

Did you know that somewhere in Greece, there is a city called Sparta.  And about 2 miles from this city, there was a small village called Mystra.  This village was for warriors and philosophers from Sparta (and even Athens) to come and live – almost like a resort (sort of how NY has the Hampton’s).  And in this village, there is a mansion of my family name.  The very first one of my name actually.

So, you see… when I bring you any news for the game God of War, news for the very own Ghost of Sparta, then you know that it’s not just an amazing game I’m talking about.  It’s my history.  My very bloodline if you will.  (yes, I know… it’s awesome, right?).

God of Wat Ascension

Anywho – Sony Computer Entertainment and Santa Monica Studio brings us a new God of War game – one about Kratos‘ past – where it all began. Ascension.  If you played any of these games, then you may already know how amazing they are.  This one seems to be bringing the amazing with it as well.  And with it’s upcoming release (3/12/13), SCE and Santa Monica give us a Live Action teaser trailer that is not only exciting, but manages to accentuate  the drama and sadness that is Kratos’ past – to the point of bringing a chill to the bone.

Kudos to the creative team behind this one.  2 minutes was all they needed to make my chest tighten up.  See it yourself below, and you understand what I mean…
