When the DFAT Crew decided to try and tackle NaNoWriMo, we knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Doc and Myrrick decided to go all lone-wolf and tackle the 50,000 words themselves, whilst CheriMonster, Mozeus, CynicNerd and I would be splitting up the behemoth of a task with a bunch of short stories in one.

Needless to say, things are starting off…albeit slowly. He’s some little recaps of how things are coming along.

Doc Speaks out

The Myrrick chimes in



Day 1 of my descent into madness:

Today I started NaNoWriMo the way any reasonable human would: giving up a day off to work overtime under the influence of sleep deprivation and white chocolate peppermint mocha.

Chaz and I were reminded what underachievers we were as Doc reminded us that he churned out 500 some words BEFORE HE EVEN GOT TO WORK. And then he reminds us about halfway through the day that he went home and wrote even more words. Fortunately, he wasn’t smug about it, assuring us that we would crawl out from under the pile of inadequacy that led us to not have written anything yet on day one.

Here I sit with frosty beverage in tow, preparing to churn out some of my words for the day. Chaz requested an excerpt. We will see if I can comply.

~ The Myrrick
*Chaz will be quick to comment that this is not an excerpt from the actual story. He is correct. This is pure, unadulterated procrastination.


I believe she’s still procrastinating as I checked in on her today. Get on it lady!
My thoughts:


I’m exactly 1777 words in and I’m liking how my story is starting out. I don’t feel as much pressure to get to the 50,000 since I’m splitting it between the four of us, but I also know that what I want in my story is going to be a LOT of words. What’s been hard is finding the time. Between my “real” job and the blog, it doesn’t leave a lot of time. But I’ll keep hacking away at it. I went to school for Film/Video Production, with a Minor in English. Creative Writing flows through my bones and it fills me with immense joy to do this; so I am excited to keep it going. I’ll share this with you, the name of my story is called A Twist of Fate. It’s a homonym, you’ll just have to see how it plays out as the month goes on!
We encourage you fellow writers to contact us on the Social Medias on NaNoWriMo itself so we can follow each other’s progress and give each other motivation! Just email us and we can be virtual writing buds!


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