We’re off a little bit from Back to the Future Day, but it doesn’t mean we don’t love the best time-traveling movies of all-time. We go back in time to the days of self-lacing shoes, Cubbies taking the World Series, and Chuck Berry’s road to becoming a rock God…or something like that. Listen, enjoy, and get pumped up to 88mph!

As usual, make sure to follow us on Facebook along with the newly launched Midnight Kids Productions. You can listen to the episodes on Stitcher and iTunes. We also have three other shows on our Podcasting Network that includes: Those Geeks You Know

You can interact with us both on @chazvoltaire and @midnightkidspro on the Twitter. You can also email us show ideas or ask questions and more at [email protected]. We also have a Paypal Donation link on the main page and anything you give us gets put back into the set to help us grow. Thanks for listening and we appreciate your scummy support!