Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra – Theatre is Evil a review by CheriMonster
About a year and a half ago I was reading Neil Gaiman’s blog and came across something he wrote about his wife and her music. I thought to myself, who is this gal and what kind of music does she make? So of course I googled Amanda Palme,r and found out a little bit about her. I decided I must have a listen to her music and came across Good Day by The Dresden Dolls. From that point on I was a fan, a BIG fan, almost to the point of obsession. I quickly ran out and bought the self titled Dresden Dolls cd and proceeded to listen to it on repeat until I was able to purchase the rest of her library.
When Amanda revealed that she was starting a new band: Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra and working on a new cd, I was thrilled! I’m always anxious to see what she is going to come out with and this cd has not disappointed me at all.
As a huge fan of music I have felt a bit let down lately about what the musical world has to offer. I felt like there were no true artists out there anymore, nothing original, nothing that really wowed me. Amanda Palmer has renewed my faith in music and in artists. Not only is she an amazing singer, pianist and ukulele player; she is a fan of her fans. Palmer just wants to make the music she loves for the people she loves. She has eliminated the use of any record label and has done everything on her own, since her first solo album, Who Killed Amanda Palmer.
The GTO album was fully funded by her fans on Kickstarter. Through donations she has raised 1 million dollars for this cd and tour. The rewards to her fans were astounding. From original art work, signed cd’s and artbooks, and even a chance to spend a day with her while she paints your picture. Somehow Palmer managed to fulfill every single order.
This cd has everything you would want. From dance songs, pop songs, 80’s type songs full of synthesizers, ballads, rock. Every song is its own being and makes you want to hit the back button so you can listen to it again.
If you have ears you should listen to this. She has a link on her website ( where you can download it for free. Or give her a donation, which I highly suggest so she can keep doing what she does. Give it a shot. If you love it, awesome… If you don’t, I’m not sure we can be friends anymore.
Nice review!