The marketing juggernaut known as Sony is still going strong, as we have more Amazing Spider-Man 2 tidbits to reveal. A new tv spot, a look at the video game sequel, and even tales from The Daily Bugle. Get ready web-heads, cause we’re about to go swinging!

Just in case you haven’t seen the entire movie from the previews that have come out, here’s an extended television spot. I’ll be honest, I stopped watching these. I’m already super pumped up about this movie as it is, so Marc Webb and friends can just relax and let us feast our eyes on everything next month. For those of you who can’t wait, check it out below!

The Daily Bugle’s tumblr has been a wealth of Spidey info, though it’s not really known how many of these easter eggs they reveal will actually make their way on to the screen. In the meantime, they’re super fun to enjoy. The newest one talks of Dr. Adrian Toomes, who will later go own to be known as The Vulture. Judging by what we’ve seen from the trailers, this Easter Egg is actually coming to fruition.

[box_light]In an unexpected setback, Oscorp Industries failed to secure a contract for the development of a flying suit with the United States military.  Sources say  the international conglomerate had been so confident of landing the contract they had already hired a congratulatory skywriting message over New York City that read: “Oscorp soars to success!”

Government sources hinted that the contract intended for military aerial reconnaissance and infiltration landed with a Los Angeles-based conglomerate with offices in Manhattan. Oscorp spokesman, Donald Menken, had no comment.

The losing bid repudiates two decades worth of research in electromagnetic anti-gravity conducted by Oscorp robotics division engineer, Dr. Adrian Toomes. When asked what this development meant for Toomes, Menken simply rolled his eyes and replied “Really? Why are you even asking me? No comment.”[/box_light]

Finally, The Amazing Spider-Man video game was pretty fantastic. Outside of Spider-Man 2 and the two iOS games, it was my favorite of the series. The game’s sequel looks like it may over take all of them, as it’s being revealed that Cletus Kasady, better known as Carnage, is going to be making an appearance.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters on May 2, 2014. The video game will be coming to consoles on April 29th.
