This episode starts off at a museum for the freakishly weird and odd. A tour guide walks sightseers through a room filled with objects and human uniqueness that can make even the toughest person squeamish. After the tour is over, the guide who is also the curator is approached by two con artists posing a medical doctor and an assistant, Stanley and Maggie (Denis O’Hare and Emma Roberts). They try to sell a fetal goat with a cat’s jaw sewn on and pass it off as a baby Sasquatch. The appraiser who happens to be there sees right through them and threatens to the police. The curator has a different approach and offers them a deal. If they can come up with something more authentic, she will pay them handsomely. She then tells them that most of these objects in the museum are from carnie folks who sell their late coworkers body for money. She tells them to head down south towards Florida. Maggie and Stanley takes the curator’s suggestion and head out to Florida to find their next mark Their paths will definitely cross with Elsa and her freaks.
We see Twisty visit a town in West Palm Beach, watching kids and their parents fill their bags with candy on Halloween. A little girl, Jessie, is trick or treating with her mother and friend when Jessie notices Twisty watching her behind a tree. She is terrified and says something to her mom. Bur her mom tries to calm her down and tells her that there’s nothing to be afraid of, because she didn’t she Jessie’s scary clown. With Twisty visiting a town, you know that something bad is about to happen.
Ethel visits a doctor who is sympathetic to her. She gets some bad news; she is dying from cirrhosis of the liver and only has six months to a year to live. It is a very emotional scene to watch. There is a moment when she cries, but not because of the horrible news, but because the doctor is the first person who treated her respect. Kathy Bates performs it beautifully, and we get to understand more of her situation. With her playing a racist blood loving crazy aristocrat last season, it is very refreshing to see her play someone who you can sympathize with. Unfortunately, I still can’t get what kind of accent she has, Minnesotan with a dash of Canadian, I don’t know.
The freaks take a break from performing tonight, in fear of the boogeyman legend of Edward Mordrake, an urban legend among carnies. So instead of performing, they throw a company Halloween party. It gets interrupted by the twins, who are disgusted by the way the freaks are behaving. She then suggests that we honor Meep by performing tonight. Ethel, who is drinking after the doctor told her not to, explains to the twins about the superstition of the carnies and Edward Mordrake. She tells her that Edward Mordrake was a aristocrat who had two faces, one in the front and the other on the back of his head. The second face would always whisper bad thoughts into his head, driving him mad. His family institutionalized him, but he broke out and joined the carnies. On Halloween, he killed all his carnie co-workers before he hung himself. His second evil face was smiling while he was hanging from his neck. The legend goes that if anybody who performs on Halloween gets taken by Mordrake and dies. Jimmy doesn’t believe it, but Ethel tells him that the legend is true. When she was in her thirties, she saw one of her coworkers, the Human Cannonball, hang himself on Halloween with his head turned completely the wrong way around with a smile on his face. Jimmy notices that Ethel is drinking again and confronts her about it. The conversation doesn’t end well.
Back at the Mott’s house, Gloria sets up a Halloween costume party with her in costume and Nora in a Woody Woodpecker outfit. Dandy is excited about it and opens up the box with his costume. He is less enthusiastic about it, a Howdy Doody costume. He storms out and stomps upstairs and makes his own; wanna be Twisty the Clown costume. Trying to scare Nora, he walks down carrying a butcher knife and raises the knife to Nora. She is unimpressed and confronts him about the missing cats and how he doesn’t have the balls to even kill her. She is right, and he storms out.
The twins are having dreams together where they are lying on an operating table and the surgeon is about to split them right down the middle. Dot is content about this, while Bette is terrified. The rivalry between them has been there for years, Bette always knew that Dot wanted to break away from her, and ste is saddened by this. To successfully launch a singer career, Dot tells her sister that this has to be done and she will save the money to hire a doctor to do the procedure. It means that Bette will die, but we know that things don’t go always as planned when watching this show.
Maggie, the con artist, arrives in a taxi when Jimmy is performing a memorial service for Meep. They meet and he takes her around the circus. Maggie tells Jimmy that she is Esmeralda, the fortune teller. The twins bump into her, and immediately Dot is jealous. This is not going to end well. Jimmy introduces Esmeralda to Elsa, and she auditions for Elsa. Telling her that a sophisticated man will appear tonight and her journey towards stardom begins. Elsa is elated about her fortune and hires her on the spot. Maggie is spooked by this freak show and calls her partner in crime, Stanley. When she mentions about the conjoining twins, he gets overjoyed and insists that she toughen up and stay on course.
Unafraid of the superstition of the Halloween curse, Elsa decides to rehearse on Halloween. When she starts to sing, a dark brooding gentleman enters the tent, it is Edward Mordrake. Elsa is elated that he is there, but when the song stops he disappears.
Mordrake visits Ethel’s tent to determine whether she is worthy to join his ghostly troupe. She tells him of her past and her misdeeds when she was with Dell. She is ashamed for what she has done to keep her alive, and she waits for Mordrake to take her, but he doesn’t. He travels on to find someone else worthy enough to join him.
Dandy is seen sulking and walking towards Twisty’s trailer. He wants to have fun with his victims. So he pretends to feed them only to taunt and harass them. He is about to do more harm to them when he hears Twisty walking toward the trailer. He is seen dragging a young man. It just so happens that this young man is the older brother of that little girl, Jessie, in West Palm Beach, Fl., and he didn’t like how he was treating her, so he took him.
This is a two part episode in honor of Halloween. Who will Mordrake take with him? Will the victims of Twisty’s ever escape? When will Dandy get what he deserves? Great episode and looking forward to next week’s conclusion.