Season 2 of Arrow is right around the corner, Wednesday, October 9th to be precise! I can’t wait, you can’t wait, so let’s get to the latest news on this great show!
It looks like the big bad of season 1 will be returning for another round in season 2. It was only rumored, or maybe I should say expected, that John Barrowman would be appearing this season but now it has been confirmed. Whether it’ll be for real, or mearly a flash-back, dream, whatever we will have to wait and see. The Dark Archer, aka Malcolm Merlyn was killed by Ollie at the end of Season One after he destroyed a good chunk of Starling City.
Via: SHH
Maybe we should start calling this season, City of Villains as well! Dylan Neal (Percy Jackson) has joined the cast as Professor Ivo. In the comics Ivo created the android Amazo who could adapt to the powers of any being it fought. It’ll be interesting in how they interpret the characters.