
Why hello fellow Towelites! We just wanted to spread the word to all of our faithful readers and let them know about the site relaunch that’s happening on the 23rd! With Great Site, Comes Great Responsibilities and we want to ask YOUR HELP in making this relaunch be the biggest and best!

If you could make sure to spread the love on social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, it would help out lot! The more “Likes” we get on Facebook, the bigger the audience for the site becomes. After all, if you “Like” a story posted to that page, your friends will think you’re the coolest geek on the block!

If you’re a regular contributor to DFAT, this also means YOUR stories will be seen by a larger group of people. If you’re a huge Facebooker, this will mean you can get all the updates the moment they’re posted. So, what are you waiting for Jack? Just click on the image above and “Like” DFAT on Facebook!

Thanks for all your support!
