BOOM! Studios will be crossing two legendary characters over into each other’s’ worlds, Snake Plissken and Jack Burton! Just fresh off of seeing John Carpenter in concert this was pretty surprising and exciting news. The 35th anniversary of my personal favorite movie (Escape from NY) by the legendary directory just happened over the weekend so what better time is there to announce the amazing crossover comic.
Both movies received independant books that just wrapped up from BOOM!, so it is pretty exciting to see this team-up happening. Writer Greg Pak (Batman/Superman, Eternal Warrior) will join forces with Daniel Bayliss (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) on art to deliver this epic mini-series. Here’s a quick synopsis:
Big-mouthed truck driver Jack Burton (played by Kurt Russell in 1986’s kung fu extravaganza ‘Big Trouble in Little China’) transported to the dystopian future of 1997, where he meets his taciturn, eyepatch-sporting doppelgänger Snake Plissken (also played by Kurt Russell in ‘Escape From New York’).
Look for the series to launch this October! Check out the connecting #1 variants below!