WE KNOW how much you love Tiny Tina and her crazy antics! I hope you are as excited as I am to be finally getting the 4th DLC from Gearbox‘s smash hit, Borderlands 2. Apparently this one is like a classic Dungeons and Dragons adventure and will be titled ‘Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep’. Yeah that’s happening! It is also the 4th and final “promised” packs. Look for the DLC to hit June 25th!!
Another character will be added to the game on May 14th. Krieg the Psycho Bandit will be the 2nd DLC character available for the game.
Krieg is a high-risk melee brawler who sports a buzz axe, and features multiple psychotic personalities. The character’s three skill trees–Bloodlust, Mania, and Hellborn–allow Krieg to get stronger as he fights with his axe, stronger as he takes damage, and stronger as he’s set on fire, respectively.
Via: Gamespot