Ed Brubaker created the Winter Soldier, he killed Captain America, brought on Bucky-Cap, AND then brought Steve Rogers back from the dead. Ed Brubaker has been the driving force of what makes these characters so popular today. Brubaker had this to say about his upcoming departure from Marvel Comics:
“Well, originally, the book was going to end around #14 or #15, because sales weren’t as good as we’d hoped they’d be. I’d been planning for that end for about three or four months. Then I guess sales stabilized, and the Cap movie [sequel] was announced, and everyone really likes the book and likes the character, so they want to keep it going. But in the meantime, I’d taken on outside comic work that was making my schedule harder and harder to keep up with, and so when Tom [Brevoort] told me they were keeping it going instead, I just felt like I needed to let it go. I struggled with it, and Tom and I discussed several possibilities of me staying, some of which I can’t really discuss openly, because they concern internal workings of the company, but in no way was this an easy decision, and I feel bad if my readers think I’m bailing, because that wasn’t the case. The end of issue #14 would have been the end of the book, as it is. It’s not a cliff-hanger, but it was left open-ended with the hope that eventually I’d come back and tell more Bucky tales. And I still do hope to do that, down the line, when my schedule clears up more.”
You best be coming back Mr. Brubaker! As far as Marvel moving into the NOW! era, I will continue reading Cap of course and be picking up the Jonathan Hickman helmed (YES!) Avengers series! But other than that I’m not sure where I stand on NOW!, only time will tell.