Sam Johnson (The Almighties, Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman) is back with another geektastic adventure in Geek-Girl: Tights ‘n Capes. He’s teamed up with Carlos Granda (Charmed, Grimm Fairy Tales) on art and has the comic on Kickstarter funding as we speak! Learn more about the project below, and get your hands on some of those sweet rewards!
Created and written by Sam Johnson (The Almighties, Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman) and illustrated by Carlos Granda (Charmed, Grimm Fairy Tales), the original Geek-Girl mini-series introduced the world to attractive, popular Maine college co-ed Ruby Kaye – a girl used to getting whatever she wants…
On a drunken whim, Ruby landed a pair of power-inducing super-tech glasses from her college’s resident brainiac; but rather than impressing her friends, Ruby alienated the majority of her (largely mean-girl) clique while klutzily trying to demonstrate her new-found abilities – accidentally knocking drinks over their expensive designer dresses. Her BFF Summer James was into what Ruby could do now, though – and pushed her into trying to be a super-hero (jokily giving her the moniker ‘Geek-Girl,’ following her klutzy actions).
Johnson brings us up to speed on the, now-ongoing, Geek-Girl series – which has its New Story Arc ‘Tights ‘n’ Capes’ on Kickstarter now… “Ruby has grown from a superficial ‘It Girl’ into a fully-fledged super-hero – stopping ‘big bad’ Lightning Storm trashing her city of Maine, and turning the tide on the crime wave that erupted in the wake of the destruction Lightning Storm caused – which had left a hole in Maine’s law enforcement. This has lead to former super-tech weapons dealer Johnny Carlyle inviting Ruby to head a new Super-Team he’s putting together…”
Johnson continues, “Things take an unexpected turn with Johnny and the Super-Team, though… So Ruby, Summer and new team-mate The Minger – now getting a night off – meet Ruby and Summer’s (mean) girl friends for an outlandish fancy-dress club nite. Ruby wants to go anonymous, so Summer gets to go in the Geek-Girl costume and glasses – with powers!
“But while the girls are out to have fun and let their hair down, a guy with red skin and his young female associate are tailing them, someone is contacting the dead, Johnny Carlyle’s right-hand man Digger Mensch is having conflict with his super-villain pals ‘cos of being involved with the super-team – and there’s the introduction of Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman!” says Johnson.
Concluding, Johnson says, “Geek-Girl’s new direction began in the Jump-On-issue, Geek-Girl #5 (also available at the Kickstarter, along with all previous issues and TPB’s), and the new 2-part arc running through #6 & #7 will really bring the character development and weirdness I’ve wanted to introduce to Geek-Girl’s universe. This is a great time to get on board!”
The Geek-Girl Kickstarter is Live from now until March 31, and you get to it at
Praise for Geek-Girl:
“Grade A. Back and even better. Fans of indie superhero comic books will find a winner in Geek-Girl.” –Leroy Douresseaux, I Reads You.
“A great series to get into if you’re looking for something super-hero related but original and interesting in its own right.” –Jay Brown, Comic Sleuth.
“The story has some amazing character-driven moments, I was really impressed with the diversity in the cast, and the art is fantastic.” –Rob Andersin, Indie Advocates.
“A charming comic, the dialogue displays a witty back and forth that would make Kevin Smith proud.” –Kris Bather, Broken Frontier.
“A brilliant premise, an interesting character, and intriguing prospects for the future.”
–Chris Orr, Dress Like The Hulk.
“Five Stars. Fun, fresh and full of heart – the start of something truly special.” –John DeQuadros, Infinite Earths.