Time to pick up the comics! Some great books are hitting shelves this week so why not consider putting these titles on the Top of the Stack this week!

Dceased #2 (Horror Variant) (DC) (W) Tom Taylor (A) Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Guadiano (CA)Yasmin Putri

These horror variants by Yasmin Putri remind me why I don’t hate variants all that much. Zombies? DC Heroes? Mayhem? YES PLEASE!


Shazam #6 (Shirahama Variant) (DC) (W) Geoff Johns  (A)Dale Eaglesham (CA) Karmome Shirahama

Just say the magic word. I love what Johns has been doing with this character over the years and this new series is super solid. If you loved the movie and have not had the experience of reading Shazam, do yourself a flavor.


Female Furies #5 (of 6) (DC) (W) Cecil Castellucci, (A) Adriana Melo (CA)Julian Totino Tedesco

I love the retelling of a story through “modern” writing and art. Jack Kirby’s Fourth World will always be my favorite realm of comics and I can’t wait for more. Hey did you hear that Tom King is co-writing a New Gods movie?!


Batman #72 (Golden Variant) (DC) (W) Tom King (A) Mikel Janin (CA) Michael Golden

Now that we have a cap on what King is doing with the big, bad bat we can now rest easily. What am I talking about?! Who’s taking over in 10 or so issues? Can they match up to what Snyder and King have established?! Too many questions! Well at least it’s Year of the Villain and that means City of Bane has begun!

Green Lantern #8 (DC) (W) Grant Morrison (A) Liam Sharp

The dynamic duo is back! Oh wait wrong two? Well this hard-traveled duo is back together and I can’t wait to see how Morrision writes this story. This series has been everything I wanted it to be and more!


Justice League #25 (Year of the Villain) (DC) (W) Scott Snyder (A) Jorge Jimenez (CA) Javi Fernandez

Year of the Villain is in full swing and it’s time for the LOD to do some damage! Will our heroes be able to stop them? Find out this week in the latest issue of Justice League!


Buffy The Vampire Slayer #5 (BOOM! Studios) (W) Jordie Bellaire (A) Dan Mora (CA) Marc Aspinall

Apparently I’m missing something great going on over at BOOM! The Buffy relaunch has been very well received and my co-editor and local Buffy expert has put his stamp of approval on it. Guess it’s time to read!


Jim Henson Beneath Dark Crystal #10 (of 12) (Boom! Studios) (W) Adam Smith (A) Alexandria Huntington (CA) Benjamin Dewey

Oh hey, now that Netflix has revealed the trailer for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance maybe now you’ll realize why you should have been reading the series’ from Boom! There’s still time!


Black Hammer ’45: From the World of Black Hammer #4 (Dark Horse) (W) Jeff Lemire, Ray Fawkes (A) Matt Kindt, Sharlene Kindt

Another property you should be paying close attention to. Actually now that Netflix has a new deal with Dark Horse, you should be paying very close attention. Especially if Lemire or Kindt’s names are attached.


Paper Girls #29 (Image) (W) Brian K. Vaughan (A) Cliff Chang, Matt Wilson

We are close to the end and the final arc has begun! Are you ready to say goodbye to your favorite time-travel sci-fi comic? Probably not.


Savage Avengers #2 (Marvel) (W) Gerry Duggan (A) Mike Deodato (CA) David Finch

Savage. That’s about all I can say. Who knew that this series would be such a hit. Well I did, that’s why I bought it. Plus weird ass crossovers are kinda my thang.


Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Luke Skywalker #1 (Concept Variant) (Marvel) (W) Greg Pak (A) Chris Sprouse

The ball continues to roll with these epic series from Marvel. They have one of the greatest cash-cows in history so let’s milk it! These one-off tales aren’t so bad and give us some insight to our favorite Star Wars characters.


Fallen World #2 (of 5) (Valiant) (W) Dan Abnett (A) Adam Pollina (CA) Sanford Greene

Finally today, if you aren’t reading this series or Valiant in general, then what are you waiting for?! Fallen World takes place during one of my favorite time periods in the Valiant Universe. Not to mention the creative team attached to this? Easy pick up.

Towelite Talk Ep 261 – Happy Towelite

WELCOME TO YEAR TEN! The LATEST episode of Towelite Talk is here for your listening pleasures. Get your dose of the Geekly news!  INTRO 10th year GEEKIN' OUT RIP - David Lynch Marvel DD trailer  S2 filming soon Ten Rings in Vision show Godzilla vs Hulk Vs Spidey DC...

Towelite Talk Ep 260 – How to Train Your Towelite

The LATEST episode of Towelite Talk is here for your listening pleasures. Get your dose of the Geekly news! INTRO GEEKIN' OUT RIP Quincy Jones, Tony Todd, Dan Hennessy Marvel Chris Evan’s back for Avengers Doomsday What If S3 Denzel in BP3? Predator vs spiderman...

Towelite Talk Ep 259 – Towelite Crew

*Editor's Note: We record this episode a week ago on Godzilla Day. We will return to the studio in December before our winter break! The LATEST episode of Towelite Talk is here for your listening pleasures. Get your dose of the Geekly news! INTRO GEEKIN' OUT RIP Greg...

Towelite Talk Ep 258 – Absolute Towelite

The LATEST episode of Towelite Talk is here for your listening pleasures. Get your dose of the Geekly news! INTRO GEEKIN' OUT RIP Maggie Smith, Kris Kristofferson, Ken Page (Oogie Boogie), John Amos  NYCC Marvel Thunderbolts* Marvel MTG secret lair & Spidey tease...