Hey Towelites! Happy New Year to all you faithful comic readers out there! 2013 is here and there are a lot of exciting things happening this year in comics, so let’s get this party started with this week’s releases! Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be! Throne of Atlantis is in full swing! Marvel NOW continues to be a success!! How do you feel about what happened in The Amazing Spider-Man #700!?!?! The Joker is back and the Bat-Family is in trouble, check out DC’s Death of a Family!! Here are the rest of this weeks books @ Things From Another World.
American Vampire #34: Vertigo Comics: The new arc begins! Get on board with the original series from one of the best writers of our time!
Joe Kubert Presents <3 of 6>: DC Comics: 2012 was the year we lost this comic book great, this series is an awesome collection of his work, some never released before.
Manhattan Projects #8: Marvel Comics: It’s the secret leaders of the world like you’ve never seen them before.
Morbius Living Vampire #1: Marvel Comics: Did not know this was coming out! Kinda intrigued!
New Avengers #1: Marvel Comics: Hickman is pulling out all the stops with the return of the Illuminati!
Stay tooned