Hey Towelites, it’s Wednesday once again! AND that means we get a whole new slew of comics to pick up and get our geek on! Some new beginnings (again) for Marvel NOW! As we see number 1 issues for She-Hulk, X-Force, and a new Winter Solider book! Forever Evil wages on in the DC Universe as we try to decide which is the better of the two “evils”. Zero Year is approaching the end, what will happen in the final showdown between Batman and The Riddler?! What else is going on over at IDW, Dark Horse, Zenoscope, Image, Dynamite, and more?! Check out TFAW for the latest titles, popular back-books, preorders and more!
Featured Book of the Week
She-Hulk #1: Marvel Comics: JENNIFER WALTERS IS THE SHE-HULK! A stalwart Avenger, valued member of the FF, savior of the world on more than one occasion, she’s also a killer attorney with a pile of degrees and professional respect. A 7-foot-tall drink of cool, emerald water, she’s tough enough to knock out Galactus with one punch (possibly?) and has a heart bigger than the moon. But juggling cases and kicking bad guy butt is starting to be a little more complicated than she anticipated. With a new practice, a new paralegal and a mounting number of super villains she’s racking up as personal enemies, She Hulk might have bitten off a little more than she can chew… but she just calls that Tuesday.
All New X-Factor #3: Marvel Comics: “Not Brand X”. The All-New X-Factor is meant to help people . . . But which one of their own has a secret? Hint: It’s Gambit.
Avengers #26: Marvel Comics: “ADAPT OR DIE” The science war overtakes the world(s). The All-New Avengers Strike Back! All the answers to the questions you wished remained hidden. The collision of Avengers and New Avengers is imminent.
Batgirl #28: DC Comics: It’s a hazardous reunion between Batgirl and the former Court of Owls assassin Strix as they face off against the lethal new threat known as Silver – the man who knows the secret of Gotham City’s conspiracy of bats!
Batman #28: DC Comics: ZERO YEAR: DARK CITY reaches its conclusion! The final chapter of Zero Year is almost upon us, and we’ve saved the best for last! What corners of Batman’s past will be revealed? And how will they impact his very near future? Find out here!
Battlestar Galactica #8: Dynamite Entertainment: ‘Dreams of the Thirteenth’ continues! The Galactica has led the fleet into an uncharted storm zone to escape the Cylons, but danger awaits. Haunted by chilling dreams of the lost colony of Earth, the crews of the fleet encounter a vast and mysterious artefact at the heart of the storm. Sensors report that the Cylons have pursued the fleet into the storm. Which is the greatest threat… what lies ahead or what snaps at their heels?
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion <#5 of 6>: DC Comics: The Rogues against the might of The Royal Flush Gang! Guess who just got dealt a losing hand? Do the boys have any more tricks up their sleeves, or will this be the end of their run?
Injustice Year Two #2: DC Comics: With Batman out of action, a grieving Black Canary begins to assemble her own team to combat Superman’s new world order. And Earth’s heroes aren’t the only ones concerned about the Man of Steel’s rule. Word is spreading across the galaxy. Powerful beings across the stars turn their attention towards Earth.
Justice League 3000 #3: DC Comics: The Flash is defeated. Green Lantern is in the clutches of Locus, a psychotic teenaged girl with the powers of God. And Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have been banished to a planet wide penal colony!
Kick-ass 3 <#6 of 8>: Marvel Comics: It’s the flashback issue you’ve all been waiting for: The secret origin of Hit-Girl! Training, first blood, and of course, lots of hugs and positive reinforcement from Big Daddy. Exactly how does little Mindy McCready earn her assassin stripes? Hint: It ain’t by collecting stickers. This issue will be extra-sized for extra awesome!
Maxx Maxximized #4: IDW Publishing: Sara and Maxx retreat under an overpass and reflect on their own personal demons. The black Isz keep spilling into the real world as omens of Mr. Gone’s plans grow more evident. Meanwhile, Julie tries to help Sara sort out high school nightmares and encounters with bullies that send Sara to the breaking point. Digitally re-mastered and re-colored!
Nightwing #28: DC Comics: All the sins of the past still haunt Nightwing. How can he make his peace with his old life if Gotham City won’t leave him alone?
Star Wars #14: Dark Horse: Ben Kenobi haunts Darth Vader’s dreams, even as the nameSkywalker occupies his waking thoughts. The Rebel victory over his former flagship has exposed spies and incompetence within the Empire, and Vader has decided an off-the-record mission of vengeance is needed to clear his head-and restore his reputation!
Thor God Of Thunder #19: Marvel Comics: THE LAST DAYS OF MIDGARD begin NOW! Thor, Asgardian God of Thunder, has always fought to save his adopted home of Earth. But who can he fight when the planet itself is dying? Thor’s mortal ally and environmental secret agent Roz Solomon has a few ideas. Namely the world’s largest and most nefarious energy company Roxxon, and its ruthless new CEO known as “The Minotaur.” Has the God of Thunder finally met his match, in the form of a multinational super-corporation? Meanwhile, many millennia ahead, a future version of Thor faces a very different battle to save what remains of the earth–a battle against the greatest villain the Marvel Universe has ever known-Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds!
Walking Dead #121: Image Comics: ‘ALL OUT WAR,’ Part Seven In the aftermath of the unthinkable.
Winter Soldier Bitter March <#1 of 5>: Marvel Comics: 1966: With Nick Fury missing, and presumed dead, global espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. sends secret agent Ran Shen to collect two Nazi scientists with the key to defining who wins the Cold War. But the Americans are not the only ones who want the high value scientists. The Soviets have opened the Red Room, releasing their most dangerous operative –The Winter Soldier, who unbeknownst to the world, is the presumed-dead partner of Captain America-Bucky Barnes! The brainwashed soldier’s mission: to acquire the scientists by any means or to kill them should they fall into American hands. This classic 60’s style, high-octane, spy pulp told at Cold War’s peak follows Ran Shen and his terrified scientists as they creep out of the shadow of East Berlin. Intrigue, adventure, romance and murder abound with ramifications that will shatter relationships in the modern-day Marvel Universe-including one with the Star Spangled Avenger himself!
X-Force #1: Marvel Comics: 1966: Almost every sovereign state in the Marvel Universe makes use of sanctioned superhumans to protect national interests and pursue a covert agenda. The United States has the Secret Avengers. The United Kingdom has MI13. And mutantkind has X-FORCE. In this dirty, secret, no-holds-barred, deadly game of superhuman black ops, veteran X-Man Cable and his team will spy, torture, and kill to ensure that the mutant race not only has a place in the world . . . but also a stake in it.