Hey Nerds. Here’s what I’m reading this week. How ’bout you? Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be. Let me hear what you think about the New 52! How ’bout the big shake up just around the corner for the Marvel Universe!? How those indie titles treatin’ ya? Here are the rest of this weeks books @ TFAW
Avengers VS X-Men <10 of 12> Marvel Comics: Doesn’t matter who’s right, we’re all winners with this X-over!
Batwoman #12 DC Comics: J.H. Williams never gets old, this is a must read title. For those of you who have not experienced his masterworks, start reading EVEN BEFORE the New 52 started (Batwomen, Seven Soldiers of Victory).
Before Watchmen: Rorschach <1 of 4> DC Comics: This is the prequel title I’ve been waiting for, hurmmm.
DC Universe Presents #12 DC Comics: A great title, with great stories. This is your fix if you miss the Brave and the Bold (comic series) This arc features good ‘ol Bart Allen, Kid Flash.
Walking Dead #101 Image Comics: Robert Kirkman’s zombie apocalypse phenomenon continues into the 100’s.
Wonder Women #12 DC Comics: If there is one title that has BENEFITED from the New 52 “reboot”, it’s this one!