Hey Nerds. Here’s what I’m trying to reading this week. How ’bout you? Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be. Let me hear what you think about Before Watchmen?! How ’bout Marvel Now!? What will happen at the end of AvX?! Welcome to ZERO MONTH! Sorry Marvel! Here are the rest of this weeks books @ TFAW.
Action Comics #0: DC Comics: Grant Morrison’s run on this title will be over soon, time to catch up.
Animal Man #0: DC Comics: There is not enough to be said about what Jeff Lemire did for this character. What an approach.
Damsels #1: Dynamite Entertainment: J. Scott Campbell drawing fairy-tale hotties. Not such a bad thing.
Dial H for Hero #0: DC Comics: Part of DC’s New 52’s Third Wave, you’ll get the history on the infamous dial! This is a new title!!
Earth Two #0: DC Comics: Amazing title, a refreshing take on these characters. Excited for the origin story.
Swamp Thing #0: DC Comics: Mysteries unraveled. Scott Snyder. ‘Nuff Said.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #11: Marvel Comics: I’m gonna throw you this one Marvel, Bendis writing a first ever “Miles” Spidey and The Ultimates team-up!!
World’s Finest #0: DC Comics: Strangely I am enticed to read this one, origins of how the Earth-2 characters Supergirl and Robin who crossed over to Earth-1 and became Powergirl and Huntress.
Stay tooned 😛