Hey Nerds. Here’s what I’m trying to reading this week. How ’bout you? Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be. Are you looking forward to Marvel Now!? What will happen at the end of AvX?!  We have TWO X-tra (see what I did there?) sized issues coming our way this month!  DC’s Zero Month continues its onslaught! Here are the rest of this weeks books @ TFAW.


American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares <4 of 5> Vertigo: The Scott Snyder American Vampire chronicles continue! Masterpiece.

Avengers Assemble #7: Marvel Comics: Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers team-up to battle Thanos. Bendis writes Rocket Raccoon, GOLDEN.

Avengers VS X-Men <11 of 12>: Marvel Comics: This month the EPIC AvX wraps up! Cyclops is going after Emma’s Phoenix powers. There can only be one! Stupid mutants.

Batman #0: DC Comics: Get the low-down on how Bruce Wayne assembled his cave and gadgets, and became the Batman.

Captain America #17: Marvel Comics: Brubaker is leaving his famous title soon, get your fill while you can!

Fantastic Four #610: Marvel Comics: Same thing goes for Hickman on this title, get it while it’s good! Historic run.

Green Lantern Corps #0: DC Comics: The New(ish) 52 origin for Guy Gardner, I can’t say no!

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe <2 of  6>: DC Comics: The wait is over, issue two is here! Go read ‘Tooned In’ from this past Saturday to get the low down on this awesome mini-series!

Resurrection Man #0: DC Comics: It is kind of sad that this title is ending with this issue. This is one that didn’t deserve to go…

Winter Soldier #10: Marvel Comics: The Winter Soldier and the Black Widow fight to the death?!


Stay tooned 😛
