Hey Nerds. Here’s what I’m trying to read this week. How ’bout you? Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be. Before Watchmen drags on and Zero month is over!! Avengers Vs X-Men ends this week, if you’ve been doing your Marvel NOW! homework you may have a little insight. Here are the rest of this weeks books @ TFAW.
Action Comics #13: DC Comics: Oh S%#t Zero month is over and Krypto is here!
Animal Man #13: DC Comics: Here we go, Rot World begins! Jeff Lemire writes the RED.
Avengers vs X-Men<12 of 12>: Marvel Comics: It has all come down to this, who will win? It’s all wrapped up in this double sized issue!
Before Watchmen: Rorschach <2 of 4>: DC Comics: Rorschach will probably kill more whores, I’m sorry punish.
Fashion Beast #2: Avatar Press: A series Alan Moore actually supports. Illustrated by Facundo Percio.
Fatale #8: Image Comics: Ed Brubaker’s creator owned crime epic continues, with the awesome Sean Phillips beside him
Green Lantern #13: DC Comics: Here comes the Third Army! Baz battles the Justice League.
Legends of the Dark Knight #1: DC Comics: Several untold, non-continuity, Batman stories collected here. Featuring the talents of Jeff Lemire and Damon Lindelof!
Swampthing #13: DC Comics: Here we go, Rot World begins! Deja vu? Scott Snyder writes the GREEN.
Stay tooned 😛