Hey Towelites. Here’s what I’m trying to read this week. How ’bout you? Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be. Let me hear what you think about Before Watchmen?! The original X-Men are returning in All-New X-Men! The Joker is back and the Bat-Family is in trouble, check out DC’s Death of a Family!! Here are the rest of this weeks books @ TFAW.
A Plus X #1: Marvel Comics: Now it’s time for the Avengers and X-Men to work together! This team-up book looks interesting.
American Vampire #32: DC Vertigo: Just in time for Halloween, this Scott Snyder vampire classic is a must read!!
Batgirl Annual #1: DC Comics: Babs meets Catwoman for the first time! But she better look out, there’s a Talon on her tail!
Fatale #9: Image Comics: This Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips team-up series is fantastic!
Ghosts #1: DC Comics: Another book for Halloween, this one collects scary stories from some of the industries best!
Hit-Girl <4 of 5>: Marvel Comics: The Kick-Ass spin-off is on! The killing comes home!
Joe Kubert Presents <1 of 6>:DC Comics: This book collects some of the late Joe Kubert’s stories and illustrations.
Swamp Thing Annual #1: DC Comics: Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire team up to write this prelude to Rotworld.
Winter Soldier #12: Marvel Comics: Wolverine is here to help Bucky find Black Widow!
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