What’s Eating Dexter Morgan
I love the way that this season has been going. It’s not so much focused on the ‘Big Bad’, it’s more about learning all the things we never knew about Dexter and his relationship with Deb. Yes, we still have a killer on our hands, but this season has given us more about Dexter’s life than ever before. I’m really interested on how they’ll tie things up. Below is the recap/thoughts on the episode. Hope you enjoy!
I’ve eaten Popsicles before and I’ve never looked like I woke up in a steel container surrounded by the corpse of my own mother. Kids
Debs life and fashion choices have just gone downhill.
How does Quinn leave his hot Latin girlfriend for a creature from Avatar?
I like that Quinn calls Deb a dumbass, cause she is.
Deb needs to get over herself. Yes, your brother is a killer. He didn’t kill you though. No one has time for this.
Where do I find the “friend zone” app? Why does Dexter even have an app on his phone?
Who did Sean Patrick Flannerys plastic surgery? He looks 30, but has the wrinkles of a homeless man.
I do believe that Dexter truly only cares about himself, though he does TRY.
Who eats at a place completely surrounded by garlic? Trying to ward off vampires?
Remind me not to go to dinner at THAT guys house.
Is being a cannibal considered a low-carb diet?
Debs on that new Amanda Bynes/Lindsay Lohan way of life. YOLO
Is it possible that Dex may need to kill Deb at the end of this season?
I love how intrigued Vogel is for Dex. Her greatest subject.
Were those handcuffs only for perps?
That’s it for the recap this week. Check out the preview for next week’s episode, ‘Scar Tissue’ below.