Welcome to DFAT Year One, my faithful Towelites!
We wouldn’t be here without you readers, and as a celebration of our first year, we wanted to share some swag with you. We’re in the process of getting t-shirts, towels, and stickers made up and want to give them away. We also have a horde of towels and blurays that we’ve accumulated throughout the year that will be included in a “grab bag” of sorts. How do you score this sweet stuff? Well look below!
Here’s the ways to win something from our giveaway.
– Take a picture of yourself in a cosplay outfit
– design an awesome DFAT Logo
– contribute an article about something pop-culture related
Email [email protected] to participate. Include your first and last name, your address, and a Tshirt size. The GiveAway will end on AUGUST 12TH 11:59PM
Looking forward to all of your submissions! Thanks Towelites!