Towelites, it’s been 4 years since the inception of Don’t Forget a Towel. FOUR FREAKING YEARS! I can’t believe we’ve made it this far from a humble blog to a full blown website. I remember wanting a place to express my geekly passions while working a 70hour-a-week job that was sucking away all of my creativity. I called up my best friend Chris, pitched him the idea, and we got to work on the DFAT that you know today. Along the way, we’ve met some of the greatest people that have gone on to become friends, contributors, and Towelites along the way. We started the Towelite Talk podcast network and reached a whole new audience that way. Social Media has grown a lot in the past four years and it gave us even more interaction with our readers. It is truly humbling to know that what I create on a daily basis is reaching a world of like-minded geeks in a way that I could never have imagined four years ago. As many of you know, the name of the site comes from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. A book that has the words DON’T PANIC written right on it’s cover. When I think back on the last four years and look forward to the future, I think about those words; as they’ve been a driving force behind what we do here. We didn’t know we’d make it this far, we didn’t know who we’d meet along the way, we don’t know what the future holds. But we Don’t Panic, we face what comes upon our geekly way, and we Don’t Forget a Towel as we continue on this truly great adventure we call life. Thank you so much for coming to the site and letting us be a part of your lives. It means the world to us and keeps us doing what we do. As Chris says, Stay Tooned to new things coming up, four years is just the beginning, on to PHASE FIVE!
~Casey (Chaz)
I recall the day that Casey called upon me to take up my shield and write for DFAT. From the beginning it was a labor of love and it remains the same through this day. Not only have I found myself through writing but it has become a great adventure day to day. We have had the opportunity to attend a few events (NYCC, Toy Fair, PAX East)) via the website but most of all it has given both of us an outlet to share our passion with our readers and friends. We have built relationships with some of the coolest people in the industry from Diamond Select Toys, NECA, Titan Books and more. I remember one of the first articles I ever wrote, a review for the Jaws Blu-ray. It opened up doors that I would never have dreamed possible. Since then we have not only built upon our own passions, but through the others who have joined us along the way. Very similar to an RPG, the Towelite nation has grown strong over the years thanks to friends and colleagues whom have expressed interest in their Geekly values and dedicated their time to add to the site. I for one am better for it all, it has given me a voice and more importantly, an education in what I love.
~Chris (CynicNerd)