And round and round we go, I bet you knew exactly who I was gonna choose for the next Top 5 Geekly Roles didn’t you? Well coincidently, this week Casey went to a special screening of Michael Keaton movies and got to see the man himself in person. Of course I course I couldn’t include his role in Birdman or his possible role in Spider-Man: Homecoming due to the fact that I like to keep these as far back as possible, so here are his top 80’s & 90’s roles.
Jack Frost as Jack Frost
Interestingly enough I was reaching when I snagged this title. I have never seen this feel good family holiday movie so I don’t have much to say about it. Except that if Jack was a serial killer snowman it probably would have been on my list.
Jackie Brown as Ray Nicolette
I love this movie and the fact that Keaton plays a scum bag in the Tarantino makes it all the better. Interesting fact, Out of Sight features Keaton in the same role for one brief scene.
Multiplicity as Doug Kinney
You can NEVER have enough Michael Keaton and when he plays various roles the movie is GOLD. The movie is also directed by the late Harold Ramis which makes it even better.
Beetlejuice as Beetlejuice
One of Keaton’s first major roles and also the first time he would work with Tim Burton. This movie goes down as one of the most memorable films of all time and one of Keaton’s most unique roles.
Batman/Batman Returns as Batman/Bruce Wayne
Returning to work with Tim Burton, Keaton donned the mask of the Dark Knight of Gotham City. He starred in both of the first films in the series and the BEST two Batman movies to date.
Do you understand the game yet? If you do, sound off in the comments with who I should next!