In honor of Toy Fair this week, I went on one of usual adventures in toy hunting. After seeing all the cool Funko Legacy Collection Game of Thrones figures I was bound and determined to get out there and find them! They have just recently hit stores and are selling out immediately. Barnes & Noble is the only place I know where to look for them so I Siri’d as many as I could and I was on my way. Well, after traveling to four different stores in my area, I finally found ONE, and it was the character I wanted most of all, my favorite, Jon Snow.
I’m going to tell you right now, at the $20 price point it is getting really difficult to shell-out hard-earned cash to for action figures, but I can assure you Funko is doing things right. Teaming up with sculpting greats Gentle Giant Studios, who are best known for some of the best statues and busts in the business, was a genius move! The partnership is perfect and the result puts the Legacy Collection at the top of the market! There are 6 figures available in series one, if you can find them that is, and when I do I will bring you my review of them. Series 2 was just recently announced and you can check out my Funko Toy Fair coverage for some great pics of them! On to the review!
Jon Snow is a perfect combination of hard and soft plastic that are combined to make this great figure. At 6 inches, the Legacy series allows for perfect detail and plenty of articulation. Jon Snow boasts an impressive 20 plus points. As most collectors expect, these figures come with swivel and hinge joints at some of the most vital parts of the figure, including the ankles, elbows, and upper arms and legs. When it comes to properly displaying your figures in amazing, action-accurate positions it is so important to have as much movement as possible!
Sculpt-wise I have no complaints. The face is pretty decent likeness to the look of actor Kit Harrington and the paint on this particular figure looks good. No funny faces like some figures you see out there, There are so many details for such a basic-colored figure, and I am very impressed. Paint-wise Jon Snow is near perfect. Mostly painted black and accurate to the armor he wears on the show, there is great attention to highlighting certain parts of him with silver paint. I really like the work that went into detailing all of the belts and buckles that are strewn on various parts of his armor. Even his cape is done very well, sometimes its an afterthought, but here you have it presented in two different layers, with silver paint applied to show weathering. Jon’s famous sword, Longclaw, is his only accessory, but that’s not something to complain about at all. It looks perfect with the etching done on the blade, all the way down to the Dire Wolf hilt. I really like that the sheath actually holds Longclaw as well.
The packaging for the series is a gorgeous box format that highlights each character’s house sigil. The window box showcases each figure perfectly and allows for good display. I do like that each individual box has a different color scheme as it really adds character to the series. The back of the box features a scene of the show, showcasing that individual, it also lists the other figures that are available for that series.
If I come across the rest of this line I will not hesitate to pick them up. I had my hesitations at first with this being Funko’s first step into the adult collector action figure line, but those doubts have now been erased. I give the Jon Snow Game of Thrones Legacy Collection action figure 5 stars outta of 5. He is a beautiful sculpt with an amazing amount of attention to detail (say that three times fast!). I can’t wait to see more of these on shelves, but there’s no doubt in my mind why they are empty! This makes me even more excited for a certain Firefly license on its way to us soon!
All photos courtesy of Figures in Action Photography a DFAT Affiliate
question, is the hair glued on? or is the head one sculpt?
Glued on