The Kick-Ass 2 news just keeps a-coming folks! We first have a picture from Christopher Mintz-Plasse in his new digs as the revamped character of ‘Mother Fucker.’ He decides to throwaway the old visage of ‘Red Mist’ after he’s defeated by Kick-Ass and Hit Girl. With a new name, he forms a supervillain group aptly called the ‘Toxic Mega-Cunts’. Here is that picture below.
The picture comes via Plasse’s twitter.
One key member of the TMC’s is the character of ‘Mother Russia.’ She’s a hulking woman who brutally murder’s anyone that MFer wants her to, with no hesitation whatsoever. Well, we find out there’s been a casting call and female body-builder, Olga Kurkulina, may have answered the call. Below is the casting call and a picture of Olga Kurkulina.
Here’s the casting call which went out back in July: “Classic Villain. An ex-KBG officer who is now being paid by the week by Chris to fight in his group — she is easily the most skilled and just a ruthless killer in general. Described as a ‘roided-out female bodybuilder, she needs to be extremely physically imposing and muscular, though still come across as feminine. As tall as possible (6ft and over only). Indicate height on submission.”
So, could SHE be our Mother Russia?
We shall keep you posted as more Kick-Ass 2 news rolls in here at DFAT.
Rumor via CBM.