What can we expect from the upcoming Superman movie ‘Man of Steel’? We are all hoping for a fresh take on the character and a lot of punching, something that will set it aside from ALL of the previous installments. Well we have good news in the punching department but also a little insight into one of the main characters from the Superman mythos, Lois Lane. Amy Adams, who plays Lois, had this to say:
“I grew up really loving(her). I wasn’t trying to be her but I hope I do enough of a good job to have the same effect on young girls as Lois Lane had on me. I really loved seeing a woman represented as a modern woman in a superhero movie, and not even glamourized, really — she was kind of a troublemaker. She wasn’t a typical heroine. I identified with her from a very young age.”
“This was a new idea, down to the hair color. I knew people would want to talk about my hair color. It was going to be a thing. (Director) Zack (Snyder) told me he didn’t hire me to play someone else. He hired me to play Lois Lane. It’s a whole reimagining.”
“I haven’t seen it. I haven’t seen any footage. It’s intense. Henry worked his tail off as Superman. It’s different for me. A lot of running. I hold a laser taser of some sort.”Collider:
How was the experience of playing Lois Lane this summer?Adams: It was great. It was really good. Henry [Cavill] – I hope you guys love him as Superman – worked so hard. He is just yummy and really committed to the role. He really did a good job. I haven’t seen the final cut and I have only seen a couple of the teasers. So I am with you guys. I know it because I was there but there was so much that I wasn’t involved in that I can’t wait to see.
Is there going to be humor in your interpretation of Lois Lane? We’ve seen the humorous Lois Lane in some movies and TV shows and other times she is more serious and very competitive with Clark Kent.
Adams: No, I think she is a little more…we will have to see. I don’t know. I mean, she is definitely a pistol still and she definitely gets herself in a lot of trouble still. But she is not as competitive, I would say, with Clark.
In terms of the punching department the Kryptonian warrioress Faora is rumored to literally beat Superman to a pulp, read this scoop that ComicBookMovie is reporting about the fight between Faora and Supes, from an inside source close to the production:
“In line with what I’ve heard, Superman barely scrapes by in the movie against Zod and Faora and other supposed less powerful enemies, the person who literally beats the bloody hell out of him the most is not Zod (he actually apparently fares much better against the General) is Faora. You know the ass kicking Spider-Man receives from Green Goblin in spider-man 1 what with Tobey screaming in major pain with each punch and knee that Goblin gives him… multiply that by 3 and that’s what Faora does to Superman. Or of Omni-Man’s beat down of Invincible. At first they’re not as powerful but later on as she applies her fight training and adapts them to her powers, she gives Superman one of the worst beatings a hero has faced on camera… She “Doomsdays” him… literally pulverizing him with precision and lethal strength with hitting pressure-points, nerves and even just outclasses Supes in bare knuckle and gives Supes a severe beat down…he’s total agony this entire time, bloody and broken and barely gets away. My buddy doesn’t know at all how Superman defeats these guys eventually but he did say that Superman in this film gets hurt a lot more easily than Routh’s pre-crisis Superman…the military can hurt him too but Faora pretty much nearly kills him in hand to hand.”
Man of Steel leaps into theaters in a single bound on June 14th, 2013!
Stay tooned 😛
Via: Comicbookmovie.com, USA Today, and Collider.com