Towelites! It’s Wednesday, it’s comic book day! Get out there and but some books! It’s time once again to round up the latest news and rumors surrounding Marvel Studios’ Phase 2!
July 31st, 2016 is now the new official release date for Edgar Wright‘s Ant-Man. Why the drastic season change? Maybe Marvel thinks that it won’t do as well in the Holiday slot, but they should run right there in the summer months with Avengers 2, which hits theaters on May 1st of that year! I agree with this, maybe even giving Marvel a chance to release another film that year! 007 is one property you don’t want to take on in November, what a classic! All I know is I want my Ultron with a side of Hank Pym, and the more Marvel Studios associates the two films the better the chances are that we will see a all of our favorite tiny, or giant, heroes soon enough!
International poster for Thor: The Dark Kingdom, featuring Loki. Now about that Loki movie….
Stay tooned 😛