Towelites! It’s time once again to round-up the latest news and rumors surround Marvel Studios Phase 2!
Are you wondering how the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy will compare to its comic book counterpart? Well in an interview with Comic Book Resources, Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief, Axel Alonso, had the following to say about the upcoming James Gunn film!
Sticking with “Guardians” for the moment, I wanted to return to last week’s topic on playing along with the movies to some extent. With this series, it feels like Brian is trying to lay some groundwork for the movie as opposed to playing with the ideas on the screen. Is there a way in which that series is meant to launch people towards the movie?
Alonso: With “Guardians,” Brian is delivering a widescreen cosmic adventure on the comic book page. The Guardians have never been more relevant to the Marvel Universe. If the series provides a breadcrumb trail that leads readers to the movie, that’s great, but our job is to make a great comic book — period. To create great stories featuring Starlord, Rocket, Groot and crew for anyone who wants to read them, before or after the movie hits.
Of course, many of us have read the movie script and seen stuff that hasn’t been made public yet, so we know what a treat people are in for. I knew James Gunn before he was tapped to helm the movie — we’ve snowballed story ideas for comics — and I can tell you, he is a major talent with a great love and respect for the comic book medium. He is going to knock this movie out of the park.
Via: CBR
Guardians of the Galaxy is going to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a major way. It will introduce many new races, and among them will be the well-known and fan-favorite, the Kree. Dijimon Hounsou (Constantine) will be playing Korath, alongside another Kree who will be making an appearance as well, Ronan the Accusar played by Lee Pace (The Hobbit). Get ready for the Inhumans at some point down the line if this movie does well.
SC: Guardians of the Galaxy is such a outlier for the Marvel Universe. Do you feel like that gives you a broader license to create a character that is your own, or is there a certain amount of obligation that you feel to make him fit alongside those maybe more conventional heroes?
DH: Not really, creatively not. I think that’s what you’re saying. Creatively not, but at the same time, it is a great place to be. [These are the] vehicles of today, making films of that nature – nobody’s making nice, human stories anymore, it’s all about superheroes. And I guess it’s a period that we’re going through, and that’s all right – it’s not to be cursed anyway. But at the same time, I’ve been wanting to enter the Marvel Comics world, and this was a nice opportunity, shooting this. And certainly my character in Guardians is pretty cool. So I like that.
Via: Screen Crush
I am really looking forward to the next installment in the Captain America films. Not only are we getting Winter Soldier but they are also introducing Sharon Carter in to the MCU. Also known as Agent 13, Carter is the niece of Peggy Carter, played by Hayley Atwell in the first film and also the star of her own Marvel One-Shot. You can find that on the Iron Man 3 Blu-ray, its pretty amazing. Anywho she becomes Steve Rogers main love interest in the comics, so look for Emily VanCamp and Chris Evans to be sharing some screen time.
[box_light]“There are so many different versions of the character, so really what you have to do is sort of take all of that information and make it your own and hope that the fans like it. It’s a little bit of a gamble, and it’s a little bit nerve-wracking at times, but that’s also part of the fun. Researching my character, I started to get interested in a lot of other things that I was reading. It was just a really fun process.”[/box_light]
Via: Fandango
It’s one of the best comic book movie castings in a long while. James Spader (Stargate) is set to voice, and mo-cap by the sound of it, the evil robot Ultron in the upcoming sequel to The Avengers, Age of Ultron. Check these remarks on prepping for the role:
Thus he has just agreed to play Ultron, the villain in Joss Whedon’s Avengers sequel because “I think it’ll be a lot of fun and it’s incredibly nostalgic for me. When I was a kid my best friend had trunks of comics and I didn’t have any so I used to love going for sleepovers at his house. Also I have three sons and two of them have a great interest in comics so they’re excited I’m playing the role.”
Via: The Independent
Have you started preparing for the “Avengers” sequel?
I have spoken to Joss Whedon about it. And yes, actually, just this weekend I went in for them to take very extensive photographs, head scans, body scans, and all kinds of things in preparation for figuring out how the hell I’m gonna fit in this Ultron character!
Via: The Inquirer
Don’t forget that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs at 8pm on Tuesdays on ABC, here’s an extended clip from this week’s episode!
Stay tooned 😛