Top ‘o the morning Towelites!! It’s time once again to round up the latest news and rumors surrounding Marvel Studios Phase 2!!
A few rumors and some speculation have been surrounding the latest film in the Iron Man series. First up the Funko toys, that we showed you the other day, will be featuring an Iron Man in a space suit so everyone is assuming that he will be crossing paths with the Guardians of the Galaxy at some point in the film, speculation. People want to see other Avengers in the film and they ain’t letting this one go, here is an excerpt from Robert Downey Jr’s interview with EW:
The whole Avengers thing [with $1.5 billion in global box office was such a relief and such a confirmation of [Marvel Studios President] Kevin Feige’s vision for this all along. As Kevin has put it, the next step after that is to bring in someone like Shane Black and – without pretending that the Avengers don’t exist – find a way to go back to a kind of re-investigation of Tony’s world, which he thought would be, one, fun for the audience and, two, would rock in a different way than The Avengers. But we can’t help it — everywhere you look now in every Marvel movie there are opportunities where certain new pals of his could be useful. So they’re in the atmosphere, so to speak, but I wouldn’t expect to see them on the ground in this one.
Via: Latino Review
So is Marvel keeping us in the dark or will we get an awesome cameo? And who will it be? Keep it tuned to the Superbowl this Sunday for the next Iron Man 3 trailer!!!
Thor: The Dark World is just on the other end of this year, here is the first official pic featuring the God of Thunder and director Alan Taylor courtesy of Empire Magazine:
Via: CBM
Marvel Studios executive producer Craig Kyle talked to Yahoo! about what we can expect to see in terms of “fantasy” in the upcoming sequel:
“By bringing director Alan Taylor into the mix, with his expertise on ‘The Sopranos,’ ‘Mad Men’ and ‘Game of Thrones,’ we came up with a take that allows us to get more into the nooks and crannies of Asgard and its people. We spend more time on the ground with the commoners, as opposed to in the palace.”
In the sequel we’ll get to see a “war scarred” Asgard, which has been attacked by the Marauders. This allows ”for the invasion of the Dark Elves, led by Malekith the Accursed (Christopher Eccleston).”
“It’s a very complicated blend [of genres: high science fiction, gritty fantasy, and realism], Thor’ is, until ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ hits, by far our most wild, fringe Marvel piece. But that’s why it’s the Marvel Universe and not Marvel Earth!”
Via: Latino Review
Filming is under way for Joss Whedon’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series and we are all eagerly awaiting any news from the set! Everyone has been wondering if Maria Hill, played by the beautiful Cobie Smulders would make an appearance or be a regular on the show. Here’s what she had to say on that topic and dropped a little Agent Coulson spoiler as well!
The Agent Coulson show!! Down! Can’t wait!! S.H.I.E.L.D is scheduled to air this fall on ABC!!!
So get excited Towelites!! Iron Man 3 will be here before you know it and Phase 2 will be in FULL SWING!!!! Catch up on all the news and rumors from Marvel Studios’ Phase 2 here!
Stay tooned 😛