2013 is here Towelites, and you know what that means! MattyCollector.com is renewing our subscriptions and adding new ones!! This year the new kid on the block is Club Black Freighter offering up comic accurate versions of our favorite Watchmen team! Also we are getting year 2 of Club Infinite Earths and Matty is starting the year off with my personal favorite Saint Walker! Im still really excited to see who else is coming out later in the year, as we have already seen the first half of the year’s offerings this year at NYCC! Of course we can’t forget about Matty’s staple Masters of the Universe Classics, that sub is still kicking strong! You know you want to pick up some figs to go with the ginormous Castle Grayskull coming out later this year! Check out the offerings this month from the club, and for those of us privileged enough to have a sub we are granted early access through a new program called “Early Access”!!
Toy Fans,
January 15th can’t get here fast enough. Why? Because it’s going to be an insane month of rad new products that includes the first release in our Watchmen series, Early Access starts for subscribers, and the new My Subscriptions section and Subscriptions portal will launch!
But first things first… we know it’s really all about the toys so here’s what we’ve got lined up for Tuesday, January 15th at 9 a.m. PT (12 noon ET):
January 15th Monthly Sale
- MOTUC: Netossa™ (monthly figure, included with Club Eternia® subscriptions)
- MOTUC: Ram Man® (“quarterly” figure, included with Club Eternia® subscriptions)
- MOTUC: Icarius™ (eligible for Early Access)
- MOTUC: Snout Spout™ (eligible for Early Access)
- DCU: Saint Walker (monthly figure, included with Club Infinite Earths subscriptions)
- Watchmen: Rorschach (bi-monthly figure, included with Club Black Freighter subscriptions)
NEW! Early Access
As a benefit of your subscription, you’re entitled to our all-new Early Access program that gives you the chance to purchase additional products before they’re made available to the general public. Early Access will generally take place a couple of days before the regular monthly sale so dates will change each month depending on which day of the week the regular sale happens. We’ll send you an email each month letting you know the dates.
Remember, if a product is released through any one of our 2013 subscriptions then it will not be offered through Early Access. For January, that means you’ll have the chance to pick up Icarius™ and Snout Spout™. Neither of them are included with 2013 Club Eternia® subscriptions and if they sell out during Early Access they will NOT be available on January 15th. (Please note that these products are completely separate from the subscription so shipping can’t be combined.)
NEW! My Subscriptions Section
For 2013, we’re stoked to launch the all-new My Subscriptions section. If you’re a subscription holder, this will be your go-to spot to manage everything related to your subscriptions account. You can change/update your credit card information, shipping address, email address, and even combine or separate shipments. We expect to launch around the 10th of January and subscribers will receive an announcement and link to the new section as soon as it’s live.
NEW! Subscriptions Portal
While My Subscriptions is the place to go to manage your subscriptions account, our new Subscription portal will be the entry spot to Early Access. Launching at the same time as My Subscriptions, you’ll also get updates on new subscriptions, read about your existing subscriptions, and find fun new content we’ve got planned for later in the year.
January Subscription Key Dates
If you’re a subscription holder, here are the important dates to note for January 2013: Your subscription will renew 5 calendar days before the on-sale date, at which time your card will be authorized for the full amount of your order, so plan to have funds available before Thursday, January 10th. Subscription orders should also begin shipping approximately January 10th, three business days before the January 15thon-sale date, and your card will be charged the full amount at this time.
Whew! That’s a lot for one little news story! Remember, the sale starts Tuesday, January 15th at 9 a.m. PT(12 noon ET). Want an email reminder? Click here to register. Or, join me on Facebook, Twitter and in our Fan Forums and you’ll get reminders there, too.
VIA: MattyCollector.com
Stay Tooned 😛