Just in time for St Patty’s day, Matty has some hard hitters for us this month!!! The long-awaited fan demanded Elongated Man is come to us via Club Infinite Earths, while over in the more real word, Dr Manhattan is dead ahead on in the Club Black Freighter! And don’t even bother trying to buy new MOTU Classics this month, both figures are EXCLUSIVE to the club!! Check out Matty’s press release for March!
Toy Fans,
Ready for some March-ing orders? You’re in the right place! We’re doing things a little differently this month (Fang Man™ is only shipping to subscribers) so read on for all the details and information about what’s going on!Here’s everything you need to know about our monthly sale starting on Friday, March 15th at 9 a.m. PT (12 noon ET):
March 15th Monthly Sale
- DCU: Elongated Man (monthly figure, included with Club Infinite Earths subscriptions)
- DCU: Dr. Manhattan (bi-monthly figure, included with Club Black Freighter subscriptions)
- MOTUC: Mekaneck® (remaining Customer Service stock – not included with Club Eternia® subscriptions; subject to Early Access sell-out)
- MOTUC: Keldor™ (remaining Customer Service stock – not included with Club Eternia® subscriptions; subject to Early Access sell-out)
- MOTUC Clamshells (new! Custom-designed to protect your in-pack figures)
- WWE® Elite Collection Flashback Shawn Michaels®
- WWE® Elite Collection Flashback Miss Elizabeth™
Early AccessThe Early Access period for subscribers is Thursday, March 14th at 8 a.m. PT through Friday, March 15th at 8 a.m. PT.
For March, the figures are Strobo, Mekaneck® and Keldor™. Strobo is our “traveling convention figure” for 2013 and he’s currently only available through Early Access, so if you’re a subscriber to any of our clubs, congratulations on that smart decision! Everyone else will have to wait for Power-Con or the other conventions, or get him on MattyCollector.com… if any figures remain! The other figures for Early Access are Mekaneck® and Keldor™. Neither figure is included with 2013 Club Eternia® subscriptions and if they sell out during Early Access they won’t be available to the general public during the regular monthly sale. Most are leftover Customer Service stock – they’re first run (not reissues) and won’t have the burst on the package. And finally, a reminder that Early Access products are sold separately from subscription products so shipping can’t be combined.
Club Eternia® Subscriber-only Figures
- MOTUC: Fang Man™ (monthly figure, included with Club Eternia® subscriptions –not sold 3/15 at MattyCollector.com)
- MOTUC: King He-Man™ & Sub-ternia™ Map (exclusive club items – included with 2013 Club Eternia® subscriptions)
When the subscriptions went on sale last year, we mentioned that some figures would not be sold on the day of the monthly sale, and that’s the case with Fang Man™.He will only be shipped to subscribers of Club Eternia®. This month also brings the King He-Man™ figure, arriving with the Sub-ternia™ Map. These exclusive items shiponly to subscribers of Club Eternia®, one of the many advantages of club subscriptions!
March Subscription Key DatesIf you’re a subscription holder, here are the important dates to note for March 2013: Your subscription will renew five calendar days before the on-sale date, at which time your card will be authorized for the full amount of your order, so plan to have funds available before Sunday, March 10th. Subscription orders should begin shipping approximately March 12th, threebusiness days before the March 15th on-sale date, and your card will be charged the full amount at this time.
That should put some spring into your step! Remember, the sale starts Friday, March 15th at 9 a.m. PT(12 noon ET). Want an email reminder? Click here to register. Or, join me on Facebook, Twitter and in our Fan Forums and you’ll get reminders there, too.
Stay tooned for the Elongated Man review! 😛