If you’re an avid gamer, you will no doubt be aware of all the different PC keyboards on the market. Some games will demand you control characters and objects using the keyboard. You might think that your cheap and cheerful model is fine for any game. But, the keyboard you use will make a huge difference to your user experience.

Believe it or not, the keyboard you use will impact how well you progress within a game. There are many factors to consider with keyboards when playing computer games. For example, will your wrists be comfortable if you spend hours at a time playing a game? After all: the last thing you want is to develop repetitive strain injury (RSI)!

GamingKeyboardDid you know that many hardcore PC gamers buy mechanical keyboards? Many of the standard models you can buy these days mostly comprise of plastic. Mechanical ones use metal in them!

If you’re thinking of getting a new keyboard for your PC, you might be toying with the idea of a mechanical one. Here are some reasons why you should consider making the move to one:

They are a worthwhile investment

Ask any mechanical keyboard owner and they will tell you how reliable they are. Conventional models are cheap, but they aren’t always cheerful. In fact, a standard one that has heavy use will need to get replaced at least once a year.

Mechanical keyboards will last you for a long time. Sure, they might cost more than typical models. But, when it comes to buying PC gaming accessories, mechanical keyboards are a good idea. They are durable and aren’t likely to break. Even if you are somewhat rigorous with your tapping!

They sound amazing

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of standard keyboards. They just don’t have that same click as the old IBM Model Ms! Remember those?

A mechanical keyboard with a clever design: it is not very noisy but has a nice tactile feedback, and pressure needed on keys is distributed in such a way that your little fingers will not hurt after insane amounts of hours using it. It is made in Japan, and difficult to find in Europe... Unless you live in Finland. Now I have one of those (yes, that's my hand saying "I like this") with nordic layout, which fortunately is not causing me any troubles because it's very similar to the Spanish one. Not a cheap acquisition, but I expect it to last for the next 10 years, so it is actually an investment :-D

A mechanical keyboard with a clever design: it is not very noisy but has a nice tactile feedback, and pressure needed on keys is distributed in such a way that your little fingers will not hurt after insane amounts of hours using it. It is made in Japan, and difficult to find in Europe… Unless you live in Finland. Now I have one of those (yes, that’s my hand saying “I like this”) with nordic layout, which fortunately is not causing me any troubles because it’s very similar to the Spanish one. Not a cheap acquisition, but I expect it to last for the next 10 years, so it is actually an investment 😀

I quite like the noise a mechanical keyboard makes. In case you wondered, they sound different because underneath each key is a metal switch. Standard keyboards use rubber “domes” and plastic only.

They look phenomenal

Anyone that is into PC gaming will also want a rig and accessories that look great! You might have spent days building a custom case for your PC. You may even have painted your monitor to match the style of your case.

The last thing you want to do is have your keyboard let the side down with its mediocre looks! Mechanical keyboards these days get designed for two particular audiences. Those that enjoy gaming, and those that want to relive the days of the IBM PC!

Anyone that visits your games cave will no doubt talk about the look of your mechanical keyboard.

Are there any downsides to getting a mechanical keyboard?

Not really. The only thing that might put some of you off buying one is the price. But, it’s possible to pick up some good deals if you know where to look. And if you don’t mind getting a used model, you could save even more cash!