We have a couple of pretty cool pieces of news from Master Neil Gaiman. He’s been working on a video game called, Wayward Manor which is coming to Steam sometime this fall. Also, Marvel has announced they will be putting out 7 issues off his initial run after Alan Moore left the comic, and that Gaiman and original Miracleman artist, Mark Buckingham, are continuing the series going forward.
Wayward Manor is from developer The Odd Gentlemen and publisher Moonshark. The game looks pretty cool, but I’ll judge it more when I see the full-length trailer, or just go ahead and purchase the game. Check out the teaser below.
[box_light]Wayward Manor is a puzzle/adventure game hybrid that invites players to solve the mysteries of the mansion any way they choose. You play as a disgruntled ghost, trying to reclaim your house from its newfound owners. This dysfunctional family of misfits and eccentrics have stifled your power and brought their own abysmal possessions into your humble abode. Each level is a playground for scares where players absorb fear to take back control of the room. If you want free reign over your mansion once again, you must uncover their deepest anxieties and drive them mad with fear using your wits and their hideous belongings.[/box_light]
From Marvel!
The wait is over,” says Editor In Chief Axel Alonso. “Marvel will finally be bringing these timeless, ground-breaking stories to a whole new generation of reader.”
“We’ve been working with the Miracleman artists to obtain original artwork or photostats in every instance possible, and then applying the same painstaking restoration methods and rigorous quality standards that are utilized on the Marvel Masterworks line. The Marvel Special Projects team have even been developing some new techniques specifically for this project. These Miracleman issues will receive the most advanced restoration possible to ensure the most authentic reading experience,” says SVP of Marvel Publishing David Gabriel. “The art is crisp, clear, and looks as good – if not better than the day it was published! Also, the stories are being completely relettered to meet today’s standards.”
Making these stories available to an entirely new generation is one thing, but following the original groundbreaking run, the epic more than 30 years in the making will reach it’s cataclysmic conclusion! You heard correctly – Marvel will also be publishing all-new Miracleman stories from legendary creators Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham! Long left unfinished, Gaiman and Buckingham’s famous storyline will ultimately see the light of day!
“I love the idea that I will get to finish this story,” added Gaiman.“The tragedy of Miracleman was that we published two issues, wrote three and a half – and then it all stopped,” Gaiman said, in an interview with Marvel.com. “And Miracleman #25 has been sitting in the darkness – nobody has seen it. It was drawn, it was written, it was lettered over 20 years ago.”
“That Neil and Bucky can finally finish the story they started, is a great relief to still-gasping fans — myself among them,” says Alonso.
Re-presented in serialized form, each issue of MIRACLEMAN features additional content including new art, interviews with the creators as well as new covers from some of the industry’s most legendary artists! Look for MIRACLEMAN #1 in print and digital this January!
As more Gaiman news comes in, we’ll keep you posted here at DFAT!
I have read all of Miracleman… it’s an amazing book that has need completion for the last quarter century.
Read it! Buy it! Not in that order!