Hey Towelites! Do you miss Veronica Mars? Do you wish that there was someway an 8 part web series was being released on September 15th? You do?! Well… Wish no more because this IS happening!
Play It Again, Dick premiers September 15th on CW Seed and I couldn’t be more excited for it. It centers around Ryan Hansen, our lovable dim-witted douche bag Dick Casablancas, trying to capitalize off of the Veronica Mars fame. He’s writing his own series and calls in his old friends to help him out.
Everyone is coming back! I mean EVERYONE! Well, except Teddy Dunn, instead he has Ryan Devlin (Mercer Hayes) playing Duncan Kane. Aside from that the whole gang is coming back, and they’re all playing their parts from VM and exaggerated versions of themselves.
According to Rob Thomas: “The web series will have more in common with Party Down tonally, but it will be Ryan Hansen, or at least a version of Ryan Hansen, deciding to capitalize on the current Veronica Mars heat to get his own series on the air. He’ll try to pull his actor pals into the venture with varying degrees of success.”
I don’t know about you guys, but I am really excited for this. I’m missing all my old friends from Neptune and wonder what they’ve been up to since the movie. Plus, I think the concept is pretty interesting and can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
~ TheCherimonster