Towelites! It has happened! The Projectionist has reached its Kickstarter campaign goal!! And with 4 days to go YOU can still back this amazing project to help reach the stretch goals!

The Projectionist 01Last week I had the opportunity to talk with creator Sam Midwood, you can catch the interview here, and since then the project has been successfully funded! This is so amazing and I am very happy for Sam and his team. Sam’s enthusiasm and belief in his creation were two major factors that really got me interested in checking out and supporting The Projectionist.

Speaking of stretch goals, the campaign is still alive and it has crossed the $6000 mark! Here are the goals that Sam just added!

Stretch Goal #1: 
If we hit $7000 — Everyone at the $13 pledge level and above will receive a beautiful 8.5×11 print of THE PROJECTIONIST cover signed by artists David Daza and David Cobos.

Stretch Goal #2:
If we hit $8200 — We will extend the 1st issue of THE PROJECTIONIST from its currently planned 22 full-color pages to 28 full-color pages.

So head on over to the official The Projectionist Kickstarter page to check it out, if haven’t already, or you want to increase your pledge!

What do you think Towelites?! Are you as excited as I am?! On behalf of Don’t Forget a Towel and the Towelite Nation, I would like to congratulate Sam Midwood, Dave Daza, Marta Martinez, and David Cobos on their awesome achievement! We can’t wait to get our hands on the first issue!
