Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller’s adaptation of ?Sin City: A Dame to Kill For has been a long time coming. With production finally started, it’s refreshing to see that one of the final casting pieces has fallen into place. We’re happy to announce that Joseph Gordon-Levitt will be joining the cast as the lead in the upcoming film.
Levitt will be playing , Johnny, who is an all-new character that is getting made for this film. Johnny is described as “a cocky gambler who disguises a darker mission to destroy his most foul enemy at his best game.” With JGL, and other reports of Mickey Rourke, Rosario Dawson, Dennis Haysbert and Bruce Willis in the crew; the only person left to cast is the Dame.
Angelina Jolie was slated to have the role; but when she got pregnant, she was forced to drop out of the film. Jolie has since had her kid, so there’s still a possibility that she could come along for the film; but as of right now, no one has been officially added to the role.
As more Sin City 2 news comes about, stay tuned to DFAT for the latest news. The film is expected for an October 4th, 2013 release.