Over time, we slowly lose our brain function. We start forgetting simple things, and it takes longer to solve easy puzzles. Luckily, there are a few things we can do to keep our brains in tip-top working order! Thanks to technology, there are lots of weird and wonderful gadgets out there that keep the mind sharp. Of course, there are also one or two natural tricks out there too.

Today, we’re looking at both. Because we’re a geeky, tech blog, we’re particularly interested in the strange gadgets that are helping. There are lots of apps, games, and inventions designed to keep your mind functioning correctly. Without further ado, let’s dive straight into our list.

Brain training games

If you’re a regular reader, you know that we’re obsessed with gaming. In fact, we run a regular weekly roundup of the best games on the planet. Now, we must confess, we haven’t exactly embraced the world of mobile app gaming. Sure, there are some good games out there (see Monument Valley), but we tend to drift towards the consoles and PC gaming. But, there are some fun brain training games out there. And some have some very real effects on brain stimulation. Try Elevate and Lumosity if you can handle the challenge!

Brain stimulators

We’ve recently seen quite a lot of hype surrounding tdcs devices. These are brain stimulators that attach to your head, emitting electrical currents. According to the manufacturers, they are designed to speed up the connections between brain synapses. It encourages faster response times, and better logical thinking. Gamers have told us that it actively improved their reaction time.

‘Functional’ drinks

If you told us there was a brain stimulating super drink, we’d probably laugh in your face. But, it turns out these strange drinks really do exist. And no, we’re not talking about Red Bull and other highly caffeinated drinks. These are botanical liquids that encourage natural brain stimulation. One of the leading brands is Brain TonIQ, who bill themselves as a ‘think drink’. Supposedly, it stimulates your mind and focuses your concentration. And it does so without those awful coffee jitters!


As we move through the list, we come to some less technology based ideas. The more natural remedies are often the best, and music is reported to have an incredible effect. Music stimulates the nerve endings in your brain, and activates the creative side of your mind. It helps keep those passageways alive, and send electrical signals back and forth.

Sleep and physical fitness

Although these two are wildly opposed, they serve the same purpose. Both help keep our minds sharp, and clear from the misty cloud of distraction. Sleep helps rekindle connections in our brain, leaving us refreshed and focused when we wake up in the morning. Exercise, on the other hand, helps pump blood into the brain. It also releases essential chemicals and hormones into the brain to keep it healthy.

Different people respond to different stimuli. So, try a few of these ideas, and see which works best for you.