We were fortunate to show you Trekkies earlier this week the amazing teaser poster from J. J. Abram‘s upcoming movie, Star Trek Into Darkness; and today we’ll do you one better. Below is the trailer for the sequel to the movie that got me back into Star Trek again. It features Benedict Cumberbatch being a badass, and a bunch of Enterprisers who don’t know what to do about it! Check it out in glorious HD below!
– My thoughts? Khan comes back from the future, something with the time continuum makes him younger, and he wants to take out the Enterprise Gang before they destroy him in the future. Fits in with the weird timeline they started with the first one.
Star Trek Into Darkness is due out May 17th, 2013. It stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, John Cho, Bruce Greenwood, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Peter Weller!
Stay Tuned to DFAT on more great Star Trek Into Darkness news!