Just in case you didn’t have enough on your plate when it comes to Star Wars comic books, Marvel has yet another course for you. Announced this weekend at Chicago’s C2E2 comic-con, Marvel will be releasing a prequel mini-series that will introduce us to the characters of this year’s Star Wars movie, Rogue One. This will be the first standalone Star Wars movie, technically if you don’t count the Ewok movies and I know that many of us do not. No other details were announced about the series so we will keep you updated on that front, especially once the creative team is announced. The series will be a three-parter and will hit shops this October and will not be an adaption of the series but a lead-in story. What do you think Towelites? Do you have room in your pull file for one more Star Wars book? Of course you do. Oh, and I’m taking Felicity Jones is playing Shara Bey in the over-under.

Shara Bey Star Wars Shattered Empire