Today for Star Wars Sundays I wanted to share some of the highlights from around the web in regards to Star Wars tributes to the holidays! First up we all now that Christmas sweater were, and MAY still be a fad, just look at that Dunkin Doughnuts commercial! Anywho check out this AWESOME sweater that someone made titled “Happy Hothidays!”.
Next up we get a great rendition of the classic winter song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, by Frank Loesser, but sung by Han and Leia in quite an amusing fashion as they decided they should or should not go out and save Luke from the freezing temperatures on Hoth!
So if you’ve never have had the “experience” watching the Star Wars Christmas Special, please don’t run out and do so! Below I have shared with you two videos, the first is something that is far superior and pretty fun, the second is a “best of” clip montage from the special so you can decide if you want to go through the pain of watching the entire thing. Remember I warned you! The only good thing to come out of that mess was the first appearance of Boba Fett!
Happy Holidays to all you Star Wars lovers out there!
May the Force be with you!