
Robert Rodriguez has been one of my favorite directors, the moment I saw a Tom Savini shoot a vampire in the face with a c*ck pistol in From Dusk Til Dawn. I had already loved Desperado; but his mix of a gangster style spin on vampires was nothing short of genius. Throughout the years, I’ve enjoyed his flicks. Yes, even the films.

Now, with Machete and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For BOTH coming out this year, he sat down with MTV to discuss the projects; and the idea of directing a Star Wars movie came up.

“I don’t mind them doing more Star Wars,” Rodriguez told MTV in a video interview embedded below. “I also like the idea of them doing off-shoot films, like you just have a Boba Fett movie over here. There’s so much you can do. George has built such an enormous world that just to be waiting now again, who’s going to live up that? It’s almost like they should just branch it out, and let people play with those characters. There’s such rich stuff.”

He didn’t answer if he was ever approached to direct a Star Wars film, but he did seem ok with a ‘Solo’ project.

“I don’t know. It depends on what it was,” he said. “George [Lucas] really inspired me to do what I’m doing now, which is the same thing he did. He originally wanted and couldn’t get the rights to Flash Gordon. He tried, couldn’t get it, so he went and wrote Star Wars, which was his complete take on Flash Gordon, even to the opening titles crawl that went that way…. I think if I asked [Lucas] for advice, he would say ‘Go make your own Star Wars universe, kid.’”

He added, “If there was something that somebody said, ‘Here, Han Solo, his own adventures.’ I’d go do that.”

Zach Snyder and Robert Rodriguez both wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of a Han Solo movie. Heck, I think they should shoot it together. It’s working for Rodriguez and Frank Miller with Sin City, why not? We’ll see what the future holds for the upcoming Star Wars films; just make sure to keep coming to DFAT for your news!
