Tool’s first album, ‘Undertow’, was released, in 1993. About a year later it found its way to my mailbox via BMG, or some other cd company I had joined, yet couldn’t afford. The album introduced me to Maynard and his talented ways. Think, A Perfect Circle. One of my favorite things about Tool, were their “interesting” music videos. Here are two of my favorites and since it’s Stop-Motion Sunday here @ DFAT, I thought I would share. So please enjoy, and try not to get too disturbed.
“What the &#*@!” rang through my 14 year old cortex after watching this disturbing monsterman wonder throughout an asylum. Then they made this one.
“Prison Sex”
This video is very well made, and flows with the music better than it predecessor. Love it. Good metal, great talent. Still need to remedy seeing them in concert…if that ever happens again. “C’est la vie”
Stay tooned 🙁