So, I’ve been a huge fan of the Matt Fraction Hawkeye comic since it’s inception. It’s hilarious, completely different than other superhero comics, and the artwork from David Aja fits perfectly into the story. When I heard we’d be seeing an All-New Hawkeye, I was less than thrilled. Seeing that it’s going to have Ramon Perez doing the artwork and Jeff Lemire writing it; well, you have my intrigued to say the least. The comic doesn’t come out til next Month, but I’ll be sure to be reviewing it here on DFAT. I’m excited, but nervous as well.
Nock your arrow and draw back your bow True Believer because Marvel’s Avenging Archer is back for a brand new beginning to the fan-favorite series in ALL-NEW HAWKEYE #1! A brand new ongoing series debuting this March, blockbuster writer Jeff Lemire and Eisner-award winning artist Ramon Perez bring you a fresh new look in to the life of Clint Barton as only this high profile, can’t miss creative team could!
With Kate Bishop, his trusted ward and protégé back at his side (note: not titles she would use), Team Hawkeye is thrown in to an all new adventure spanning two generations of avenging archers. Past and present lives collide as Kate and Clint face a threat that will challenge everything they know about how to be a hero, and what it means to be Hawkeye.
“To me, Kate is an equal to Clint in terms of who the ‘star’ of the book is,” says writer Jeff Lemire in an interview with “It’s equal billing. It will be as much Kate’s story as it is Clint’s. The threat they’ll be facing is very much something new. And it’s not strictly a big bombastic super-villain-y kind of thing. It’s something that hits them both on a much more personal level.”
Fists, arrows and everything in between will fly this March as Hawkeye and Hawkeye take aim in ALL-NEW HAWKEYE #1!
Written by JEFF LEMIRE
Art & Cover by RAMON PEREZ
Variant Covers by SKOTTIE YOUNG
Women of Marvel Variant Cover by SHO MURASE
On Sale – 03/04/15