On the First Day of E3, EA Gave To Meeeeee
Today the Evil Emp…Electronic Arts held their press conference at E3, showcasing upcoming titles and things we can look forward to.


Bioware showed a sneak peek of the new Mass Effect game. Which, while not disclosing much, did show that there will be a Krogan. Thank the Goddess for small comforts. They also teased a new intellectual property which they vaguely described and gave a few really pretty scenery shots that look like they were also developed on frostbite.
There was an N7 logo, so we can only deduce that maybe this will take place after the trilogy. Part of me wants to hope it is a crew stranded on the far side of space after the (spoiler alert) destruction of the relays. You’re welcome to ignore my speculation, but…this would be awesome.
And I’m always down for a new story and a new world to explore.
Montreal will continue to take point on the Mass Effect series while Edmonton cranks out whatever this new IP will be.


[box_light]Dragon Age: Inquisition also made an appearance with a brand-spanking-new trailer. Coming October 7th (giving me a blissful 7 days before another game comes out), it is beautiful. Anyone else catch the back shot of classic Morrigan? Just me? Okay, next game…[/box_light]

[box_light]Battlefield: Hardline was also announced with a Beta on Windows PC and PS4 (sorry Xbox, you get no love) starting today. And, in true EA fashion, promptly caused everything to crash. [/box_light]


The Sims 4 will also hit the scene on September 2nd (hooray!). Expect nothing from me that week as I fall down the deep, dark rabbit hole that is my OCD paradise. The Limited Edition is available for preorder for $59.99, with an Origin exclusive for $69.99 which includes the Up All Night digital content. Also worth noting, I wouldn’t expect it to work for you on launch day, so you might want to make other plans.
The game will feature more customization than ever before. You can tweak your Sim’s voice, appearance, and other features. It’s gonna be awesome. Or it had better be.
As you may expect, literally every sports game EA makes will have a new version either later this year or early next. This isn’t news, so I am going to move on.


[box_light]A new Mirror’s Edge was announced at E3, and they promise that it will be how Faith, the protagonist from the original, becomes Faith. Everyone loves an origin story, so this will be interesting to see when it comes out.[/box_light]

[box_light]DICE, the company making Mirror’s Edge also gave information about Star Wars: Battlefront, which will come out Summer 2015. Footage revealed the classic locales and some new vehicles.[/box_light]

All in all, there are a lot of really interesting games coming out. Whether any of these will be ready to play on release is yet to be seen. Either way, I know I’m going to be really, really broke come this fall.
~The Myrrick