I’ve been watching The Office since season 2. The first season I avoided like the plague, because it was a direct rip-off of it’s U.K. Version, which I loved so much. I loved Tim, David, and Gareth. The only problem is that over in Britain, the seasons are only 6 episodes long. So, after 12 episodes and an hour-long holiday special; I was left wanting more. Enter in the American Version. Everyone seemed to be generic rip-offs of the characters I had come to know and love. Michael Scott was one of the lamest people on television, the Pam Beasley had nowhere near as much heart as Dawn Tinsley, and though I liked the chemistry between Jim and Dwight; it just wasn’t the same.
Then something happened. The American Version just kept going on. Around 6 episodes into its 2nd season, it no longer had any more reference material to go on from the UK Version. The characters had to find their own ways, and be fleshed out more by the writers and executive producer for the first 5 seasons, Greg Daniels. It’s then that I started to appreciate the American Office a lot more. Now, after 9 seasons, The Office will say it’s goodbyes.
Executive producer Greg Daniels will return as showrunner for the final year — taking over from Paul Lieberstein, who is prepping the Dwight Shrute-centric spinoff, The Farm.
“As we head into the homestretch, we have a lot of exciting things I’ve been wanting to do since season two,” Daniel told reporters during a conference call Tuesday. “The end should be pretty cool.”
Daniels, who was on-set during the call announcing the news, called it the “last chance” for the crew “to go out” the way he had envisioned, noting that “familiar faces [will be] coming back” as well as welcoming new cast members including Jake Lacy and Clark Dukefor what might be an “emotional” ending for some.
“At some point you have a choice: to always tell the beginnings of stories and the middles or to allow a story to end, and I think endings can be very powerful and meaningful pieces of the story,” said Daniels, who added that NBC Entertainment president Bob Greenblattwas supportive of the plan to end the series. “If we didn’t let it end this year, I don’t know if we would have been able to tell the endings for so many characters that I really want to know the endings for.”
The end of The Office means a big turning point for NBC as it looks to revamp its scripted lineup. The network is betting big on freshman comedies, picking up seven to series and giving condensed orders for returning half-hours including Community and 30 Rock, the latter of which also will wrap after this season. (The Office and Parks and Recreation were the only comedies to receive 22-episode pickups.) “They may also be crying over lost advertising,” Daniels joked, acknowledging the value The Office has to the network. “Hopefully they’ll have other things that are working by the end of the year.”
The final season will be different from recent seasons, Daniels said, in that it will focus on arcs rather than episodic comedy.
“The real heart of the show are these arcs that allow these characters to have ongoing stories. It’s all going to be set up in the premiere,” he told reporters. “There’s so much to pay off from nine seasons, so many great characters, that my biggest concern is just tacking in these great ideas that the writing staff has on the walls and making sure we hit all of them or at least squeeze as many into the ending.”
Daniels expressed hope that he would be able to keep big moments top-secret, for the most part. In the era of the Internet and spoilers, he acknowledged that it might be impossible. “I would like to try to get back to the world where the world is surprised” by the story instead of reading about it three weeks before, he said.
Most of the main cast of characters will remain on the show, though some (B.J. Novak and Mindy Kaling) in diminished capacities. “There are so many storylines to follow now, so many endings to write for different characters, risky things we wouldn’t normally do if we knew we were going for a long time,” Daniels said. “Now that we have an end date, we can blow up things and take some chances. It’s very freeing and creatively exciting for the audience.”
Some of those chances include upcoming storylines like Nellie (Catherine Tate) holding a charity drive at the office and Dwight (Rainn Wilson) donating to the Taliban in retaliation. The identities of the documentary crew also will be a big part of season nine.
“All questions will be answered this year,” said Daniels. “We’ll see who’s behind the documentary, and we’ll meet some of them.”
To bring it full circle, Daniels hopes that Ken Kwapis, who directed the pilot, will helm the final episode.
Does this mean that Steve Carell would return for a swan song as Michael Scott?
“We’ll see,” Daniels said of the idea to bring the actor back to the series that helped launch his career. “We have ideas for the ending, and obviously if he would participate, we would have a lot of good times. The idea will fly without him if he can’t make it. He is pretty busy.”
The Office returns at 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20, on NBC.
Article via THR