Is anyone else excited about the next wave of Marvel movies NOT coming from Disney!? I am, for one reason Mark “the man” Millar is in charge and I feel very comfortable with that and now I think the Fox Marvel properties will really Kick-ASS (hehe). Well Mr. Millar had some things to say about the upcoming slate of movies:
“Looking forward to: In 2013? Kick-Ass 2. There can be only one. Also buzzed about Superman and – the big surprise, I think – The Wolverine. The script is amazing and Mangold is such a brilliant director. Seen the first 10 mins and it looks like David Lean doing a superhero movie. This the one that’s going to surprise people. This and First Class were Year Zero for the Fox Marvel movies as far as I’m concerned.”
” Of course, one of the biggest things to happen this year was the job at Fox, overseeing all the Marvel movies. Working with Mangold, Trank and Singer is very exciting, but we’re already making plans for 2014 and beyond and there’s two further directors we’ve been having discussions with in recent weeks too. Again, all this stuff will start to unfold very soon, but if you want to feel a bit jealous I’ll just share that Jim’s going to show me a cut of The Wolverine in January and Jeff will have the first cut of Kick-Ass 2 ready by february. Enormously, enormously exciting and as a Scotsman I will happily report that I see both movies for free.”
We all knew that Hugh Jackman would be returning as Wolverine in the upcoming Days of Future Past movie, but it has been finally confirmed via Bryan Singer’s Twitter”
I would officially like to welcome
@RealHughJackman to the cast of#XmenDays of Future Past. Very excited! More to come…
Hugh Jackman let Parade in a little inside info regarding The Wolverine, actually confirming when the movie would take place!
“You want to get me into trouble, don’t you? [laughs] Okay, the movie takes place after X-Men: The Last Stand. My character is at his lowest. He is supposed to be able to heal himself, but he may encounter someone who has worked out a way to really hurt him. And there is a cameo from one of the past X-Men in it.”
Stay tooned 😛