Colors washed over the dance floor. A hot, squirming mass of people moved erratically in the center of the room. Their sweat falling to the ground, mixing with various substances on the tiles and painting it with a greasy sheen. Warped reflection shone vibrantly from their feet as the spinning lights and fog machines cranked out ambiance.


Justice League #2 (DC)

Bryan Hitch (W) Tony S. Daniel (A)

I’ll be honest with you guys. It’s time to start cutting comics from my lists, and I can tell you with certainty that I am not excited for this comic in the least. First two issues were meh, I expect this issue to follow suit.

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The Punisher #4 (Marvel)

Becky Cloonan (W) Steve Dillon (A)

Another potential casualty in the great comic purge of August. It’s good, just not that great. My biggest problem is that it doesn’t add anything we haven’t seen before in a Punisher comic.


Aquaman #4 (DC)

Dan Abnett (W) Philippe Briones (A)

This is yet another series that may be on the chopping block. It’s pretty good, I just can’t get into it the way that I’d get into any other character. Arthur seems like a bland mess of duty and emotion in this comic.


Trees #14 (Image)

Warren Ellis (W) Jason Howard (A)

I’m having a hard time with this series. There are issues that are amazing, and then there are issues that I feel go no where. I know it’s all part of the master plan, but I’m afraid it’s falling off for me.


Batman #4 (DC)

Tom King (W) David Finch (A)

I am super interested to see the future of Gotham and Gotham Girl. I think the story that they told, explaining who they are and what they are trying to do is solid. I know a lot of people are really opposed to those character, but come one, do you really expect them to last? There is only one protector of Gotham for a reason.

daredevil annual

Daredevil Annual #1 (Marvel)

Charles Soule/ Roger Mckenzie (W) Vanesa Del Ray (A)

Someone really important is back and they seem pretty fucking pissed that they were gone. I am really excited about this issue. I mean look at that talent. It’s gonna be awesome.


Green Arrow #4 (DC)

Ben Percy (W) Juan Ferreyra (A)

Well it seems everyone Oliver knows and loves is against him. Well, everyone except Black Canary. It looks like we’re going to see some love blossom in the hearts of two young souls. Alternatively, we’ll see to bad asses kicking people in the face. Either one I’m fine with.

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Uncanny Inhumans #12 (Marvel)

Charles Soule (W) Carlos Pacheco (A)

Holy shit! One of my favorite characters is back. Seems to be a theme there. Not to spoil it for anyone, but the last time this guy was around, he fucked up everything for the Inhumans. I’m excited to see what fuckery he’s up to this time.

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Moon Knight #5 (Marvel)

Jeff Lemire (W) Greg Smallwood/ Wilfredo Torres/ Francesco Francavilla/ James Stokoe(A)

This issue is going to make me so happy, I can already tell from the previews. Look at that list of artists. Holy shit. I think the last issue in this arc is going to be a bit of a mind fuck, but honestly, this whole comic has been a mind fuck, so, you know.

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Doctor Strange #10 (Marvel)

Jason Aaron (W) Chris Bachalo (A)

This is the finale to the Last Days of Magic! Which means everything this comic has been doing for the first two arcs is coming to a bombastic conclusion. Super excited for what this means for Doctor Strange, and magic in general. With Aaron coming off his wins at the Eisner’s, I’m pretty sure no one will be disappointed.


Kill Or Be Killed #1 (Image)

Ed Brubaker (W) Sean Phillips (A)

I am so freaking pumped for this series. I need some more Brubaker after Velvet went on hiatus and The Fade Out ended. I can’t wait to see what this dynamic duo has for us this time. As always, I’m sure it’ll be a crowd pleaser.


Nailbiter #24 (Image)

Joshua Williamson (W) Mike Henderson (A)

I feel like we’re getting really close to an explanation in this comic. Then again, I’ve said that before and been wrong. It’s amazing how a comic can be so good and give you so few pieces of the puzzle to do it.


Paper Girls #8 (Image)

Brian K. Vaughan (W) Cliff Chang (A)

Eisner’s Best New Series continues with the crushing realization that everyone dies, some unfortunately, sooner than others. Nothing like traveling to the future and finding out that you died an early death.


Low #15 (Image)

Rick Remender (W) Greg Tocchini (A)

The Remender Trinity all come in today, and I am pumped. Also ready to be really sad. That’s cool though. This is the end of the third arc for Low, so expect an extra dose of depression. Just what the doctor ordered.


Black Science #23 (Image)

Rick Remender (W) Matteo Scalera (A)

Wow, Grant is a fuck up, but damn. The last issue really was the pinnacle of his dumbassdom. Now he’s gotta fix his mistakes or he’ll die alone. That’s kinda the whole plot though, so are you surprised?


Tokyo Ghost #9 (Image)

Rick Remender (W) Sean Murphy (A)

I wasn’t aware that this was a mini-series. I wasn’t aware and now I feel dead inside. Way to go Remender. This is the penultimate issue and I’m not ready for it to end. It’s been so fucking good. Well, sometimes we have to let go, right? No, fuck that. I don’t want to.

Nobody heard the first shot. It was placed expertly in the beat of the rhythm. A pulse that people would later claim felt unclean. It was almost as if the puncturing of their sanctuary was palpable. The next shot was clearly audible. Throwing off the rhythm, for a half a beat, people danced to the music of death. A soft sputter and then a room full of chaos. Music never sounded so new.