Once again the CynicNerd returns to run down this week’s new comic book releases with you, THE TOWELITES!! There are a ton of AMAZING titles hitting the shelves so let’s get to it, WHY DON’T WE?!

Aquaman 2Aquaman #2 (DC Comics) WHAT AN AMAZING START TO THIS COMIC! Politics, action, bloodshed! What else could you ask for?! Thank the Gods for Dan Abnett as he takes his top notch fantasy writing to new levels!

Batman 2Batman #2 (DC Comics) So at first I wasn’t sure how I felt about the Rebirth One-Shot. BUT then I read the first issue! It was straight up amazing, action packed and Bat-tastic from start to finish. This handover is more than approved so far.

Green Arrow 2Green Arrow #2 (DC Comics) Thank the comic Gods for this series. I, and everyone else, have been waiting for an appropriate version of Oliver Queen to be cleaning up the streets of Seattle or Star City or wherever he may be. All I know is Black Canary is back in the sheets and Oliver may be dead. Clay said this reminds him of Long Bow Hunters and I would agree.

Justice League RebirthJustice League Rebirth #1 (DC Comics) The Team Epic returns under a new banner! How will this play out? Will we love it? I hope so!!

The Fix 4The Fix #4 (Image) EASILY my favorite new comic, the one I wait for to come out EVERY month! The writing, the humor, the grit, EVERYTHING that would make a PERFECT Hollywood movie. WHY HASN’T THIS BEEN PICKED UP ALREADY!!!!????

Paper Girls 7Paper Girls #7 (Image) ANOTHER title that needs a movie. GOD I love BKV. What have I been missing?! The way this man creates an atmosphere, the character development and voices, TOO AMAZING! Can’t wait to see where this one goes!

Empress 4Empress #4 (Marvel) Mark Millar can tell a Sci-Fi epic can’t he?! My shop missed my pull on the last issue and I have some catching up to do. But so far, so BADASS!

moon Kight 4Moon Knight #4 (Marvel) If you can’t relate to the insanity of Mark Spectre and Jeff Lemire then it’s time to retire from comic reading. Lemire is the perfect writer for this “hero” and it’s about time we start to understand where he is taking the story. OR IS IT?!

Punisher 3Punisher #3 (Marvel) My journey into the “street level” heroes continues. From the gritty writing and awesomely appropriate artwork, this Punisher title is the perfect follow up to the Netflix debut of the character.

Han Solo 2Star Wars: Han Solo #2 (Marvel) GOD DAMN. This may be the perfect Star Wars comic book. The whole line-up may seem very generic to some but this title is where it’s at when it come to running the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs!

Poe Dameron 4Star Wars: Poe Dameron #4 (Marvel) I really didn’t know how I felt about this title at first, but as the post ROTJ universe continues to grow I really feel that this book gives a great voice to the titular character. I CAN NOT wait to see where the next arc takes us!

So what you don’t want these comics in your pull list??!! Bullshit. Check us out next week when Clay returns to duty after the all-american holiday! Until then, WHAT’S AT THE TOP OF YOUR STACK??!!