Casey and Chris have been battling the apocalypse from inside their homes; and while most news is related to ‘The Rona’ there is still a lot of geekly things happening in the galaxy. Take a listen to the newest episode and stay safe, stay inside, and don’t forget a towel!
Marvel TV & Movies
- Everything shut down/pushed
DC TV & Movies
- WW pushed til August
- BOP early
- Batman stopped production
- HQ S2 next week
- Stargirl letter from Johns. Premiere pushed 5/18
- On hold
- All your tv shows pushed back
- CBS all access free trial
- Castlevania S4 greenlit
- Early VOD and full releases
- Last day of American crime
- Dragons Lair Live Action starring Ryan Reynolds
- CDPR to start work on new Witcher game
- F4 DLC for MAU3 out
- Old Star Wars Games on consoles
- Jedi Academy out now Switch/ps4
- Racer coming for Switch/Ps4
- The world needs animal crossing
- Uncharted audio drama.
- Mando Season 2 casting
- Bill Burr back
- Michael Biehn
- Rosario Dawson as Ashoka?
- Robert Rodriguez
- 2 Hour The Skywalker Legacy on youtube
- Destro
- Batman 89
- Cowboy Bebop
- Mafex Batman Hush
- The Child HT
- Sideshow Shadowland DD ⅙
What we’re geeking out about
Listen to us on Google Podcasts! If you wanna interact with us you can follow @dfatowel on Twitter and Instagram. Interested in joining our crew? Email [email protected]. Thanks for listening and Don’t Forget a Towel!